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A Big HELLO & Thanks from a n00b


New Member
Dec 2, 2013
Hello to all at POTV,

I'm new to the site and started my Vaping career a mere 6 days ago.

I had originally intended to use a Vaporizer to help me quit smoking cigarettes -- which it has done btw and with little to no craving, which in all honesty, has amazed me as I have ZERO willpower.

What I had NOT intended however, was discovering the world of Vaping. A quest that had began as a simple lifestyle change, quickly escalated into a most enjoyable activity.

In the short time I've been on the site, I have been privy to much information that has helped me to understand the differences between the various Vaping styles and the differences in the equipment used.

I began Vaping with a cheap, wick Atomizer -- which is still doing its job, but having read the forums, I felt that a Vaporizer I could properly clean & maintain would be much more beneficial and so, I invested in my first custom build using a Tank/Carto combination with a 900mAh battery -- There is a big difference :)

So I would like to thank POTV and everyone in the community for the wonderful information they have already and continue to provide for all the products out there.

I'll see you on the Forums -- Happy Vaping :)
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