Graham Clarkson
- Joined
- Oct 13, 2016
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- 9
ThanksI just approved the post @WaitFor1t88 - the moderation system is working again I think this is something that people might like to support, am tempted to go myself!
ThanksI just approved the post @WaitFor1t88 - the moderation system is working again I think this is something that people might like to support, am tempted to go myself!
There's only a chance of vapers benefiting if the documentary is available to be viewed by as wider range audience as possible, and it isn't doing that at the moment with the way it's being put out there, hopefully that changes
I can see that but I fully trust what they are doing.because it has limited money behind it, the standard route for films was never on the cards, I believe the momentum is growing by winning awards and stepping up the ladder and getting interest by promoters and will of course be available on netflix but it needs to go the route it's going....if you want to watch it you can probably find it online alreadyI agree with your sentiment entirely @Graham Clarkson in that of course they wanted and needed to make money. That goes without saying.
But what @WaitFor1t88 is getting at is a major sticking point for me too- this documentary needed to reach as wide an audience as possible to hit home hard with as many people as possible. The length of time taken to release it and the decision for limited cinematic release has put the film in a position where, I feel, it has now lost a decent proportion of its momentum.
I still think it's relevant. Just not as relevant as it could and should have been made to be.
I can see that but I fully trust what they are doing.because it has limited money behind it, the standard route for films was never on the cards, I believe the momentum is growing by winning awards and stepping up the ladder and getting interest by promoters and will of course be available on netflix but it needs to go the route it's going....if you want to watch it you can probably find it online already
I can see that but I fully trust what they are doing.because it has limited money behind it, the standard route for films was never on the cards, I believe the momentum is growing by winning awards and stepping up the ladder and getting interest by promoters and will of course be available on netflix but it needs to go the route it's going....if you want to watch it you can probably find it online already
whispers: au faitI'll 100% watch it buddy. I'm not totally aux faux with the procedures of getting a film to market, but I just hope that the way in which it will redeem itself is getting itself noticed and changing the minds of the worldwide decision makers who are currently either sitting on the fence or are anti Vaping through being uneducated.
And that's the key point for me. Education for the masses. I just feel that it could've helped more at this point. I don't see anyone other than vapers going to the cinema to watch it, whereas someone sitting at home flicking through Netflix may be more tempted and then get their mind opened. And for me the aim of the film should've been for the majority audience to not be already vaping. We all vape- we know the benefits, others not so much.
whispers: au fait
Exactly in order to be of any real benefit it needed to be a clickable link that went viral because it was so good.
It'll do nothing in cinemas, be ignored on Netflix and be a complete waste because of the capitalist society we live in, which ironically is why vaping is meeting with such resistance.
Everyone's gotta get that tasty slice
Yeah this whole 'billion lives' thing has confused me, doesn't really seem like the cause to be trying to make money off. I was expecting a well researched and documented film on vimeo or yt that would actually make a real impact (as much as it can in the vaping world where apathy seems rife). Maybe a higher production value would get more people interested I thought.
If the proceeds were going towards lobbying and actually trying to save some lives that would be commendable, this just feels like a cash-grab on something with some popularity and a lot of misunderstanding. Leaves a bit of a sour taste if I'm honest.
If a company was making a documentary about the millions of animals mistreated every day in the world and following the work of charitable organisations like the RSPCA and the WWF and then keeping the money raised I think people would think dimly of that, it's exploitative rather than genuinely trying to make a difference.
If they were interested in making money then find something else to try and leech off.
In other words they thought they could make some money off it so they're milking it for everything they can. Cash-grab.
That's cool though, everyone wants their piece of the vaping pie. Good luck to em.
Well I hope Aaron makes a lot of money for himself and his backers from vaping and he capitalises on the injustice of governments around the world to forge a glowing career as a director and garners lots of pointless praise from film critics.I think you are confused I can see what your saying but it's the wrong way round
If the WWF and RSPCA
I genuinely believe Aaron biebert is proud of what he worked on and it's not just cash grabbing.getting awards and being recognised as a documentary maker is primarily his drive to see it successful.
If it went straight to netflix then touring the film festivals and collecting accolades along the way would not be happening.
It's even now being noticed by the Oscars