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A combination method

Bottom line is, that although a well written post, who gives a fekk about the content?
Vape or don't vape, who cares? Reasons? Who cares? Analysis? Who cares? Smoking is smoking vaping is vaping, do one or both, enjoy life and put justifications onto the back shelf.

As for suffocation? Utter garbage! Neither smoking nor vaping gives a sensation of suffocation and never will do, in anybody's lifetime. The buzz word "suffocation" is only used within the context of the "article" in a silly attempt to instil subliminal fear. It fails miserably in that respect.
Amateur psychologists trying to make a few quid from ridiculous "self help" publications? Who needs 'em?

"The quantity of nicotine in cigarettes is negligible. You wouldn't notice if you had a cigarette that didn't contain nicotine" - Once again, utter garbage and and a failed attempt using a very poor "positive reinforcement" strategy.
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I don't understand the obsession with the smoking. It wasn't my experience when I started vaping. After the initial couple of weeks and a bit of dual-fuelling it was all about the vape. After a year, I sometimes think about the fags but they are incredibly easy to avoid due to the return of my psychobabbly willpower combined (on-topic) with some nice eliquid.
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