Hi! I've just discovered this site whilst desperately searching for Advice. Figured this may be the most helpful!
I've recently bought an Aspire Boxx. It was supposed to be an upgrade from my Aspire Nautilus Prime X. My Prime X was my "the one", perfect in every way.
However, I hate my Boxx. I'm using the same coils (Nautilus 2S 0.7ohm mesh), the same Salts and at the same Wattage as I did in my Prime X, but my Coils are burning out within a day. I've tried different liquids, different Wattage and how I'm inhaling, to no avail. What am I doing wrong?! Have I just made a booboo and picked entirely the wrong Vape? Help please, it's infuriating me!
I've recently bought an Aspire Boxx. It was supposed to be an upgrade from my Aspire Nautilus Prime X. My Prime X was my "the one", perfect in every way.
However, I hate my Boxx. I'm using the same coils (Nautilus 2S 0.7ohm mesh), the same Salts and at the same Wattage as I did in my Prime X, but my Coils are burning out within a day. I've tried different liquids, different Wattage and how I'm inhaling, to no avail. What am I doing wrong?! Have I just made a booboo and picked entirely the wrong Vape? Help please, it's infuriating me!