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After 19 years of the stink stick...


May 28, 2018
Hey guys. New to the whole vaping thing, but after 19 years smoking I was afraid to try this but glad I did. Now I think I need some help to get the most of my machine. I started with a smok al85 but recently went and picked up a uwell iron fist. I look forward to learning from you guys and finding out what's going on in the UK vaping scene, and what I might be able to look forward to here in Canada.
Hi CaBOoSE and welcome. Congratulations on kicking the stinkies. I'm still learning but there are plenty here who know a lot more than me. Any questions, no matter how stupid you might think they are, will be answered sensibly, I know cos I've asked a few.
Welcome to POTV

Congratulations on kicking the cigarettes after 19 years. That’s how long I smoked for. If you’re prepared to stick with it, vaping really can help. Good luck.
Hello @CaBOoSE , Nice to meet you mate !!!
Hi and welcome from UK. Ask as many questions as you like.
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