How odd, maybe it is connected, if you have a multimeter I would run a continuity check from the base of the battery (with the bottom cap off) to the top of the Vamo.
You could always find a plastic washer to fit between the Vamo and t3. Though it does seem like the top cap is shorting on the positive of the t3, can you see if the legs on your t3 build might be touching the top cap of the t3 or that the wick is not touching the positive post (it might even be close enough that juice is bridging the gap)?
Sorry, a lot to take in there and try/check. Worst case it would not actually hurt getting shocked (not sure if you have ever bridged the gap on a 9V batt with your tounge but it just tingles). You would however probably be suffering from voltage loss and if it's shorting there you could fry the board in the Vamo eventually.
I have a similar thing with my MacBook, when it's charging you can lightly run your finger across the aluminium at the right or left of trackpad and feel a tingle of current but it might be that the battery is underneath and you can just feel the current going through it. It does it with others though so I know it's not that specific one.