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Allo, it's just me, Poo :)

:welcome1: I too have hassles with tapatalk when it comes to posting new threads so I use my desktop to start a thread & then wander round the new/updated threads on my phone. If I've no access to my desktop though(daughter's confiscated it)then I post new threads via chrome.
It's getting a bit disconcerting now! People seem to know me but I don't recognise their name or face - it's like someone walking up to me in Tesco's, saying "I've heard about you" and then walking off. I'm the worst dinner party guest ever.

I'm not quite sure if you have different usernames or I'm just the rudest, most ignorant man alive. Sorry in advance if I don't remember everyone - it's one of the reasons I've stuck to one forum for so long, it takes a while for names and avatars to sink in.
Thanks Cliffo :thankssign: beginning to like this place already...I should have introduced first...and will do asap.
Well a big Hello and :welcome1: from little old me :) Hope you enjoy your stay at the Planet.
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