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American Academy of Pediatrics, writes POTUS

WOnder how many of those signaturies are on Tobac and pharma pay lists ...
Im just so sick of the "children" stand these organisations are taking.
Im just so sick of the "children" stand these organisations are taking.

It`s the "be all, end all" catch phrase and is used to swing public opinion towards whatever self centered muppet org wants to get their view endorsed by people who should know better..except they don't because..well think of the kids.
Exactly! It's just a PITA.

Im a mother of teenagers and a toddler and even my boys are smart enough to rationalise "oh yeah the kids at school who use ecigs WERE ALL SMOKERS before"

So lets keep them smoking right? Because we cant let Big Tobacco NOT pay their huge tax bills at the end of the year. the gov NEEDS that money.

Fuckers shoulda thought better 10-20-30-40-50-60 years ago and invested OUR tax money into something more viable and profitable.

Truth is, theres no money in healthy people for either big P or the big G.
The e-cigarette industry is using a number of marketing techniques originally employed by the cigarette companies to addict youth, including the use of
candy- and fruit-flavors. E-cigarettes come in cotton candy, gummy bear, b

Highlighted what I feel is misinformation Roadhoguk - this must be aimed at you :)

sorry for photoshopping Julie out :)
I still say we need to get someone to ask a politician live on primetime wether they want to control ecigs because theyre losing tax... watch the oily barstewards squirm...:whipping2:
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