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American Academy of Pediatrics, writes POTUS

What gets me is that they think the fact that we flavor our juice is 'advertising it to children' when in fact it's the simple fact that adults have taste buds too, we like to taste things other than tobacco!

If they want their children to stop smoking/using E-cigs then the parents need to take responsibility by not leaving the e-cig where the child can take it (We don't sell it to under 18's and I'm sure the majority out there don't either!) The majority of kids with E-cigs seem to be when their parent's have 'misplaced' their own or an older sibling/friend has gotten them one.

Also with the strict advertising guidelines in newspapers/radio and other media, it's pretty much impossible to advertise it to the youth anyway (We've had ads in papers and radio ourselves and it takes a while to get anything approved!).

It's all about money at the end of the day. If the government was profiting off this they wouldn't care less about what happens!

If these associations cared at all about the health of others they should be supporting something that is clearly and evidently healthier than cigarettes and focusing their efforts on keeping kids from starting smoking in the first place, making sure parents and schools are educating them on not taking up the habit...

as if we live in a word where trying to improve ourselves/our health can be banned by a group of ignorant, money-hungry politicians.

Makes me vexed!
Rant over, anyway...

Edit: As my friend pointed out.. If they're so worried about flavored tobacco making kids smoke.. Why don't they ban flavored alcohol? Oh that's right, they make far too much money and there would be a riot for banning the country's favorite pass time.. Binge drinking ;)
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I've never bought tobacco flavour juice/concentrate, as I've never wanted to replicate the flavour of tobacco, just the feel of it. In fact, the pleasant flavours are what help discourage me from smoking, as the tobacco taste is quite unpleasant after banana butterscotch!
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