Don't shoot me down in flames here but let me make a suggestion...
How about we all keep vaping a secret? Consider the inevitable...
Governments make a huge income from smokers. A quick Google says that the UK HMRC raised 12.1 billion quid between excise and VAT for 2011-2012 from tobacco. That figure was up 1 billion from the previous year, so it's probably more like 13 billion last year. They don't want to you to stop buying fags. They might make it look like they do, but they don't. Actually, again according to a quick Google, the NHS costs £110 billion/year, so tobacco alone paid for more than a tenth of the whole UK health service! One MEP actually has the cahones to tell it like it is, as per this thread...
If you've not read it, he pretty much says Italy has lost 7.6% (132 million euros) of baccy tax income, partly from e-cig sales, in the first two months of 2013, and what are we gonna do about it?
So, realistically, as the scene continues to grow, and less people buy fags, the government coffers shall shrink and that's no good. So what'll they do about it? They could ban it somehow but that'll not look good cos remember they're kidding on they want people to stop smoking and vaping seems to do just that. They could maybe get away with a ban if only they could somehow get some super-respected survey to say it was bad for you, but that's not happening (so far). Or they could render it useless by limiting nic strength or something. That might look good cos they've still allowed it, but in a properly controlled and everyone-seated-in-an-orderly-fashion sort of way. They'd be able to tax it and still accumulate loads of income for their pharmacutical company buddies along the way. Hell they'd even be able to count how many smokers have quit and get brownie points for it. And they'd still get shed loads of income from the smokers who try it and discover it doesn't work cos there's no nic in it. Sure, if they control it there'll always be a black market aspect, but that exists on baccy at the mo anyway (currently 9%, down from 20% ten years ago), most law-abiders will play by the rules and buy the one with the wee safety leaflet enclosed.
So what's the verdict? It IS getting regulated and taxed and they're getting their cut, the sooner the better from their side. The best we can do is encourage people to continue smoking and keep vaping to ourselves - unregulated and cheap.
Spread the word - smoking's great, vaping sucks! lol