I've been playing around more with microcoils and cotton recently too - and they really are pretty great. My Igo-L is set up with one, and a dual set up in my Igo-W, and I've been using it with my KFL too!
I'm finding microcoils great now that I've got the hang of making them, and have them set up in almost everything. They seem to just give me a whole lot less difficulty than regular coils. Once they're done, that's it - and that's been a pleasure on my genesis tanks, I no longer spend time poking out hot spots, but I did have to roll my wick tighter to get it to fit - which took time in itself.
Cotton's also been good! I'm happy with the taste and flavour, but I never had a problem with the Ekowool I was using before. It does taste a little bit better, but I haven't been down the whole boiling/drying route - I just use it as is. It comes with the downside that I find myself obsessively checking to make sure it's nicely soaked. The last thing I want is to find I've burned the cotton at work without supplies for a quick replacement... although I think I'm being silly - I can taste the difference long before it actually burns.