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Another newbie checking in


Mar 30, 2014
Hi all. I'm not new to vaping but I'm new to POTV so I figured best introduce myself. My name is Dawn and I currently live in the Leicester area. I've been vaping since October and so far my collection includes - 2 v3 itastes, VTR, Vamo V5, nemesis and most recently a G16/Spheroid combo. I've also started mixing my own juices, but still in the learning phase of that.

I'd been a smoker for many years, but haven't touched one since I took up vaping. Not saved a whole lot though because I've got the shiny bug. :mail:

I've heard good things about this place so I decided to check it out. Will probably spend a fair amount of time in the mixing section for a start as a fair few recipes I've stumbled across online tend to come from here. Time to go have a look around. Thanks for reading. :grin2:
i'am quite new my self, there a friendly lot here and v v helpful
welcome to potv
Welcome to the planet! DIY is great fun and you'll get loads of help and advice if you need it :)
Thanks all :D I'm ok with following established recipes, but so far I'm rubbish at coming up with my own. The brain just freezes when I look at all the different concentrates staring up at me. lol

I'm moving back to America in June and want to make sure I've mixed plenty to take with me, but not sure if there are restrictions? Will stick whatever I can into the suitcase being checked in and keep the fingers crossed they let it through unless someone here knows of limits.
Hi and welcome Dawn

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