Well since I've been minging about for a while thought I would register and introduce myself. I smoked for around 14 years on and off and was on 20 a day. The birth of my baby girl made me want to stop but with the stress of a new born knew it wouldn't be easy ( not smoked a fag since she was born ). I started on ecigs like a lot of other people with SkyCig, after a few days I realised the battery was crap and it wasn't going to be that much cheaper with pre-filled carto's. I then purchased the Riva 1100 kit which I still use today. I have tried lots of clearomizers and catromizers and seem to like the Kanger range. I haven't got the patience to make my own coils and fingers crossed the kanger coils have been good to me so far. My tastes have changed so much with e juice and I seem to prefer strong flavours I discovered Snake oil and Mr Krakens juices which I love. I recently purchased the x6 adjustable voltage battery its not a true variable voltage only 3 settings haven't tried it yet as I'm still waiting for the Mail man to rear his ugly head. Although I did see the I taste MVP V2 for 35 quid today which made me kick myself. Anyway enough of my gassing hello all and hopefully thanks for the warm welcome.