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Another plus for stealthvapes 5mm monster wick

im gonna have to try this now arnt i?

will it tear me away from cotton though ?

I doubt it, it's all different wicks for different juices and set-ups innit. Not done cotton on the KFL, mind.

The 4mm silica struggles sometimes to keep up with my constant demands as I do like to pound the KFL. The caveat here is that I also know the KFL is very fussy regarding the quality of the wick made...and have had similar problems with almost every wick I've put on there if I take very regular, long draws. I suspect due to the flaring after cutting not enough strands of the wick are deep enough down the well and I think I need to cut it slightly long than normal next time.

I do feel that the 4mm is a clear improvement over doubled 2mm silica when allowed to sit between vapes.
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