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anybody using a Passthrough?


Mar 21, 2013
I spend 90% of my time next to the PC, so i thought a passthrough would be a good idea.
Anybody using one that can let me know if there any good?
Are they micro or mini USB? Im usually really good at telling but those pictures aint great!
If you have a mod like Vamo don't bother with it, otherwise it's pretty handy. It's micro usb.

Before I got Vamo and couple of batteries to go with it, I used to have ego twist and ego pass through. When twist was charging I would use the passthrough and not worry about the battery. After I've got the Vamo never had any reason to use them again. :D
I've had a couple of passthroughs and the only thing I will say is that the supplied cable isn't all that. I used it at a computer and in the work van via a cigarette lighter adapter doodad and after a while they stop working, presumably due to a break somewhere in a wire.
Hi I have it for few months and I really enjoy it! It's very handy when u use a computer a lot.
i think im going to get one for home use. Im really bad at recharging things, my phone is always dead!
I always use a ego passthrough Battery.... With a passthrough bat you will never go down low on volt/power as long as it's plugged into the usb of a laptop or car charger ...Why I love them! brilliant little things! :)
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