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Anyone know any websites for sale e-liquid?


Feb 27, 2018
Hey people!

I was just wondering if anyone could recommend some e-liquid websites where I can pickup some discounted e-liquid?

I would like some well known brands like... Clown, naked 100, bad drips, ect... Anything that is really tasty, possibly cheaper by themselves or bundles.

Or even if anyone could recommend any other really nice brands.

Thanks guys!!!

P. S. I'm really sick of spending 18 pounds on brands that the guys in the vape shops recommend as so tasty and strong flavour. Then I get some, try it and wow! That is the most disappointing liquid I've ever bought. LOL literally tasted like a smoke machine u get in clubs... Like nothing!!!
If you want cheap and flavourful, mixing your own might be worth a bash?
Big juice uk
Brew bros
Drip drop
Cornish liquids
Washington vapes,to name a few
Alchemists cupboard.
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Vape Potions have been great for me (their own brand juice aint half bad either, been vaping their custard and vanilla), cracking value on juices and nic. Washington Vapes have some nice deals, but they'll sting you for delivery everytime unless you order a boat load of juice (they have some questionable customer reviews to, but they've been fine in my personal experience).
my friend recommended me this online website about e-liquid, maybe you can see it and find something you want:
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