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Anyone Tried The Taifun GT2 Clone?

Big Kev

Apr 13, 2014
I got mine about a week ago and I must admit that I'm very impressed with the vape from this.

The quality of the clone isn't that great and the tank feels rather tinny and the o-ring that goes with the top cap, just sits on the top of the pyrex tank, coming out very easily after washing, but apart from all that, the airflow is great wide open and gives me big vapour, to go with the great flavour that I'm getting from it as well.

The vape more than makes up for the deficiences and the o-ring problem goes away if you keep the tank section intact and for me, it's a good improvement over the GT.
I bought one as a tester and also think it's a big improvement over the V1, currently got a batch of them stuck in customs....Ho Hum :(
Fear not !!!

I have an authentic GT2 and the top cap oring does exactly the samething. ;)
I'd been waiting for someone to recommend one. Froginfog and Focal have them for $30 but that's a bit much to take a chance on, and FT's look shit.

I've ordered a black one from FT for under £10, it's the right size and colour for my Fuhattan so fingers crossed.
I got mine from FT as well and whatever you do, give it a thorough washing out, because it was caked in machine oil, it took about three long soaks in hot soapy water and three tanks of juice to clear it up. This was the reason why I just invested in an ultrasonic cleaner.
i had 2 v1's but couldnt get on with them gave them away in the end, but for the sake of £15 i thought could be worth another go ive got the fastech one with the glass tank enroute.
got one of the 1st fasttech clones, faultless and a great mouth to lung hit which the original wasnt good at, i use very high vg mix and this version makes cotton builds less hit or miss with the juice control
I'm just building my second one as I type! A search for replacement o rings brought me here. The flavour and vapour is great, the post screws are a little, hmmm, iffy? They seem a bit wobbly but it's not a big problem and when you consider the astronomical price tag that comes with the genuine article these things are definitely worth a punt. I do have leaking issues sometimes though after refilling and reassembling which is usually fixed with dissembling, a blow though and small adjustments to the chimney as it can get pushed down. Just taken delivery of 2 glass tanks as well, but why are the o rings so bloody hard to get hold of!?
I've also got a fasttech one and it's a nice vape. The o rings are really bad though, like mosiagi said they're hard to get hold of. I can't remember what site it was but they were selling nitrile o rings but for all of the ones you need it came to about £20!
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