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are carto's really safe?


Jan 14, 2013
Hi, I have had a carto earlier start to taste a bit not right and had what looked like some burnt ejuice come out the bottom when I refilled it, I googled whether or not it was safe to use burnt cartos and it bought up a thread on a forum from 2009 saying people had dissected cartos after only 20 or so drags that had all burn marks in the wadding, and generally that inhaling burnt materials is definitely bad and a lot were convinced it wasn't safe. The fact that the thread was 800+ pages long put me off reading it all, so in short, are cartos still made of the same materials now since 3 years ago or more resistant to heat etc. I generally do over worry about things so its kind of put me off a little.
It makes sense to me that inhaling anything that tastes burnt probably wouldn't be advisable. Used properly, kept wet they're fine. Once you get burning taste in a carto it means it has been heated whilst dry. That taste, in my experience won't shift so chuck it. These things are a couple of quid each and are disposable. Unless you continually try a Vape a dry carto (and who would?) I wouldn't be too concerned. Get another, fill it properly and top it up regularly :)
I was just going to say the same as Mark, damn he's quick lol yeah ditto on the above :)
The juice...It's not really "burnt" as youre only heating it up to just before boiling point in order to get the vapour.

Also flavourings and nicotine go dark with heat / oxygen. I had a juice that would turn from honey to chocolate brown coloured in a matter of hours in a carto. Im still here a year later :) Breathing just fine and loads better than when I was a smoker..
But yes as Mark said, a burnt taste is most like a coil thats heated the filler when there has been no liquid in contact with the coil. The taste is horrible and disgusting and hard to get rid of.
To be honest only yesterday i started using some el toro guevera and kind of not sure wether half the time its the smokiness of the juice or burning cart but yeah I did take it off and use a clearomiser for a bit, is it normal to over fill a carto and have discoloured juice come out the bottom?
Actually Im guessing it tasted burnt, it wasn't actually unpleasant just not like usual. So I will REALLY taste a burnt carto? Sorry for all these dumb ass questions lol
There are no dumb ass questions mate if it tastes burnt to you try the juice in something else and if it tastes the same it's not the carto
..and yes if you overfill a carto it will leak out the bottom and as KulrMeStoopid says juice darkens with use naturally
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