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Are some RDAs better for squonking

i have the single coil 22 pulse
not the best to set up but it is very good at not peeing juice all over and as such is my most used dripper for squonking
they do make a duel coil ver but i dont own it so cant say how good it is
The 24?
Lovely RDA.
Yeah they’re pretty shite tbf mate. The above three are worlds apart [emoji4]

Yeah used it loads, it leaked loads and the paintwork came off. The only thing I have other than my RDAs is a Troll RTA which has had the same coils in it for 7 months. Thats how little I use it.

The 24?
Lovely RDA.

Have looked at the pulse dunno if it was 22mm or 24 tbh
The 22mm is, in my opinion, the better of the 2. The 24mm works with a biggish single coil but always find it lacking in dual coil set up. Key on both is not setting the coils too high as the air just passes underneath.
Yeah used it loads, it leaked loads and the paintwork came off. The only thing I have other than my RDAs is a Troll RTA which has had the same coils in it for 7 months. Thats how little I use it.

Have looked at the pulse dunno if it was 22mm or 24 tbh

If you’re planning a FT raid grab a Pyro, V1 or 2, clone or authentic. You’ll be surprised, Vapes like a dripper.
The 22mm is, in my opinion, the better of the 2. The 24mm works with a biggish single coil but always find it lacking in dual coil set up. Key on both is not setting the coils too high as the air just passes underneath.

That’s interesting.
I’ve got a pair of 316 Staples in there, .14, circa 85w and it’s singing...
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