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ASH Ecig surveys: Use amongst adults and Children

Now that is the kind of research that should carry some weight. Our case seems to get stronger day by day :)
Now they're some facts and numbers I can believe. Let's hope it leads to more in depth studies and the right message concerning e-cigs finally starts to sink in :-) .
As much as I might want to praise them for seeming to be getting behind vaping, I'm afraid I still don't trust ASH entirely. Their historic use of extrapolated data ( I notice they still use percentages/extrapolated results as best suits their interests) and their demonisation of smokers is something that still leaves a nasty aftertaste with me.

The day they start pressurising the government into accepting vaping with the same zeal they showed in 'denormalising' smoking is the day I might finally forego my bitterness entirely.
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