This is an interesting dilemma ... so what's OK to say is your "own" creation and what is not? Where would you draw a line in the sand on this?
Let's assume the safe ground is where you create your own juices entirely from your own concentrates, ie concentrates you have made yourself from scratch. Nobody can argue that the final juice you produce is then yours, right. But what if you buy in concentrate ... ?
1. If you make a juice using one flavour concentrate, eg blueberry - can you sell it as your blueberry?
2. If you make a juice using two or more flavour concentrates, eg blueberry and apple - can you sell it as your blueberry and apple?
3. Are either of the above OK if you rename it, eg Moma's Blue Monday?
4. If you make a juice using a pre-blended flavour concentrate, eg Red Astaire - can you sell it as Red Astaire?
5. Same as 4 but can you sell it if you rename it?, eg Chuck's Cherry Cooler
6. If you make a juice using a pre-made blended concentrate and one or more other flavour concentrates - can you sell it if you rename it?
7. If you make a juice that uses one concentrate you made yourself, can you then mash up any number of bought in single flavour and pre-blended concentrates and call the final juice your own?
Finally, have you ever knowingly bought a concentrate which was sold on the condition that you may not use it commercially? How was that intellectual property declared and protected?