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Attitudes to vaping

I'm lucky in that my girlfriend smoked when she met me a couple of years ago and whilst I did not pressure her at all she switched easily. We both enjoy the hobby aspect and swap notes on gear and juices. I can see though (as I know a fair few) that being around a non smoker who doesn't really see them as being anything other than a new, perhaps safer,way of doing the same thing ....and therefore MUST be bad.. could be frustrating.

I work with a woman who said the other day. 'Yes but when are you going to give THEM up? ' as if she had picked up on a massive weakness in my life plan. So I said ' When are you going to give up your six mugs of coffee a day?'
She laughed ' that's different'.....and so we had the discussion comparing caffeine with nicotine, both stimulants...

Vaping's similarities to smoking is a big part of its attractiveness for us. Sadly it brings with it an association with all the negative health/anti social aspects too
My wife was a smoker too, she quit smoking using NRT while I went the e-cig route having tried all the NRT in the past. So her main gripe is that she quit completely and spends no money on nicotine products, while I'm still spending money on it. I do feel bad for spending the cash on my vapeing, but at the same time £10 a month doesn't make that big a difference even on the tight budget we are on, and it helps to keep me somewhat sane which makes it a very worth while expenditure to me!

At least I got her birthday presents right this year, so that should keep her quiet for a while, then my birthday and Christmas strike so they will keep her off my back up to the new year at least! :D
Mt other half is a vape and he's clueless about it...he's also not interested in the forum and anything else interesting lol. Just keep on vaping and each time he's mean or condescending just say hey I can always go get 20 instead?

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I am sure a book could be written about all of this Citrus I do not think it is personally aimed at us vapours though. Anything that somebody does not fully understand they will try and reject, some say they understand but I think that is just a guise. I enjoy photography and go out taking shots of birds and any other wildlife, the wife does not understand that, people have all sorts of hobbies and do things none of us understand. I am not sure if you are anything like me but when I get into something new I put a lot of time into finding things out and give it my full attention, you also have a forum of one sort or another that you can join for pretty much everything nowadays. Now all I am going to say is that as you are at such a young age and have a family, just go careful that you are also giving your partner a bit of attention and not ignoring him too much. I am refering to normal day to day conversation etc, it is all too easy to forget and ignore what is going on around us when we are carried off into cyber space or giving our hobbies for want of a better word here our spare time. I am not saying that is the case but in some instances it can be and the other person will naturaly start condemning what you are doing because they feel left out. I`m safe as the wife just says " There`s the silly old twat sat down sucking his thing again " :18:
My GF is an asthma sufferer so was really chuffed when I quit the stinkies.Only once has she ever commented on my vaping like a steam train(I was suffering from low battery-itis so sucking on my PV like it would explode if the coil cooled)saying "your killing that" so I explained that...
a)even if I used 10 ml per day,it was still cheaper than stinkies
b)rather I killed it than have it kill me?
c)would you rather kiss an ashtray or a human that'd just finished a [insert flavour] drink?
All argumentative tone vanished from her voice once she'd decided on her answers to the questions I posed. :)
First, welcome to potv, any questions no matter how clever or stoopid arexalways welcome.
Now, well done for kicking the cigs and taking the vape route so long as you don't let the idiotic people in the world bother you, vaping is a thoroughly enjoyable, safe and effective hobby.
So, you live with a non smoking negative nanny! Your 2 big arguments you have are cost and health, shop bought you could go through about 15ml of juice before it starts to cost the same daily.
Health wise, it's healthier to vape than breathe(in big cities) due to the air quality from pollution,..ie less carcogenics in vape "smoke" than the air,around us.

If you really like to argue, and get used to it alot are against vape then head over to tasteyourjuice.com then the "is it safe" section there is a link there to the top 20 rebuttals.

Good luck and never let anyone get you down

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I downloaded an Android App called Vape, which measures how many cigs you've not smoked, how much you've spent on vaping & what the overall savings are.

My only slight gripe is that it doesn't allow you to submit smoking reduction (assumes you've stopped altogether), but that won't be a problem for most people here.

I've a bad case of shinyitis and I've saved nearly £600 since April
I find that those still on analogues think you're a sissy and look daft and non smokers think it's just as bad as real cigarettes, I've converted a couple of friends but in general I've given up arguing with people and just enjoy vaping with those that know better. That said it is nice to be able to come on here and interact with the enlightend :)

Sent from my HTC One using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
A lot of non smokers (and smokers too, truth be known) have been brainwashed by the anti smoking lobby into believing that nicotine is an absolute evil and the only way is to 'quit or die'. i.e. give up smoking or anything that resembles it and give up nicotine entirely or face a horrible cancer ridden death.

Because so many people have been brainwashed like this, a lot of them naturally assume that when a person starts vaping, that their ultimate goal should be to quit nicotine entirely and eventually give up vaping too.

If this is the way you want and choose to go yourself then fine, crack on and good luck with it. However, if you choose NOT to quit entirely but to just replace smoking with vaping then that is entirely YOUR choice too. I would say that your partner needs to understand this and he also needs to move beyond the anti smoking brainwashing and research the difference smoking and vaping.

You are posing no risks to anyone else via 'second hand vapour' and any potential risk to yourself are minimal in comparison to tobacco smoking.

I'm afraid if I'd been asked if I'd gone through 'all' that liquid I'd have probably said 'Yep... and I'll probably go through more before the day's out. Why do you ask?'.
Generally, the only comments I get are from people working on the tills in shops when they see it on a lanyard, though at least a lot of them do recognise the eGo & protank or DCT as an e-cig, so it seems to me that more people than the media realise do know that there's more than just the cig-a-like out there.

Oh, and I got the "I see you've got one of those evil things" - when pressed why she thought they were evil, she said "because they're full of poisons" (I wonder what paper YOU read, love!).

I don't know anyone else that is regularly using e-cigs. I have a colleague that started on eGo and Protank around the same time that I got my eGo CE4 set, but haven't seen her with it in months - I think the work ban on them had a real impact on her commitment to it, and she seems to have returned to smoking as much as before.

Mr Fleabag has never had a problem with me smoking (he doesn't smoke), and is very supportive of my vaping (if I create a new juice, he has a go at guessing what it is), but he does tease me about getting a bit geeky about the whole thing.
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