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MTL AUGVAPE, Merlin nano

I'll try once more and wash it properly again,I don't like those freaking inserts anyway,if they tried to upgrade dwarv they should either copy that airflow inserts or make better plugins
I'll try once more and wash it properly again,I don't like those freaking inserts anyway,if they tried to upgrade dwarv they should either copy that airflow inserts or make better plugins
I do agree. They should click in rather than use the pei top to hold everything in place.
The differences between these tanks has really come down to taste these day's. They've been making some great stuff of late and I do think thing's have hit the point where it's down to what makes your choice of liquid shine for you and what your willing to live with in the minor irritation stakes.
I love nanabhozo in the dvarw with the 1mm airflow but use the kayfun light at about 1mm due to the ease of rewicking. Some won't even entertain a bottom fill tank but I actually find them less messy.
Nice to be able to be picky.
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