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Australia's crazy new laws

That survey is a bloody hoot and shows the red tape bureaucrats have taken over the asylum. I filled in it though expect such a consultation will be filed in their usual place, a round bin, and they'll do whatever they want
That survey is a bloody hoot and shows the red tape bureaucrats have taken over the asylum. I filled in it though expect such a consultation will be filed in their usual place, a round bin, and they'll do whatever they want
Have done too, but weather the full results get published/seen is another matter totally!...
Ah well... have you heard about Niemoller? He started the idea... anyway, most popular version of what he said is:
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me ;)

See this is why I mind my own business..... I stay alive longer ;)
Is that The Proclaimers?

The fekin aussies are sitting outside in shorts a t shirt, flip flops sipping a cool beer n poking Barbie.....Im sitting here dressed as a sheep (not for the first time;)) with the heating on full blast ....paying a fortune.....are they doing a survey for that....nah they are not giving a fk:)
The fekin aussies are sitting outside in shorts a t shirt, flip flops sipping a cool beer n poking Barbie.....Im sitting here dressed as a sheep (not for the first time;)) with the heating on full blast ....paying a fortune.....are they doing a survey for that....nah they are not giving a fk:)

The thing about Australia is that there's a fighting chance they'll keep Ant and Dec at some point...
The fekin aussies are sitting outside in shorts a t shirt, flip flops sipping a cool beer n poking Barbie.....Im sitting here dressed as a sheep (not for the first time;)) with the heating on full blast ....paying a fortune.....are they doing a survey for that....nah they are not giving a fk:)

ye win some ye lose some? :)
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