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Bad News for Super Payments Users :( *sigh*


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 18, 2012
No More Super Payments
Hi All

Bad news today I'm afraid ... Our Direct Bank payment provider SUPER PAYMENTS has today contacted us terminating their service to us as of the 10th of March.

This prompted us to contact a few other vape companies we know that use them - only to find the same thing has happened to them - its kind of like the PayPal purge of a few years ago ... I don't know - do you ever get the feeling that as ex-smokers or trying to quitters we get vilified for trying ?

Excerpt from the email :

"Good Morning,
We hope this message finds you well. We are contacting you regarding your account with Super Payments.
Following an evaluation of our company policy, we are writing to you to inform you that we will no longer be able to offer Super Payments as a payment option to your business. We can confirm that this decision was purely an internal one in line with section 15.1 d) of our terms and conditions and not based on the conduct of your business. Your account will be disabled on the 10th March 2025 to give you time to remove Super Payments from your storefront."
We know quite a few of you use this service with us (and presumably other vape companies) and we know that the cash back deal you get from using it is in these times of rising costs invaluable for saving a few quid. If you have any remaining cash back with them - we urge you to use it before the 10th.

We will keep Super Payments on until the 10th to give those of you a chance to do so - after that the service is gone.
Meanwhile ... we will look for another open banking easy bank transfer option for everyone.

Apologies for the gloom!
The Manabush Team
Kind of gets you thinking why we as consumers and vendors have allowed these middle men to exist in the first place.

If I said to a consumer to give your money to me and I'll pass it on to your vendor for a small fee you'd tell me to jog on!
Kind of gets you thinking why we as consumers and vendors have allowed these middle men to exist in the first place.

If I said to a consumer to give your money to me and I'll pass it on to your vendor for a small fee you'd tell me to jog on!
I hear you - but its nothing to do with us “allowing” them - the banks require a payment gateway to work.

However in this case Nd what was good with superpayments is there WAS no charge likw all other payment gateways - they provided and open banking platform for free for both user and vendor and offered tge users diacounts off next purchase. They monetised in other ways - by selling the vendor different services behind the scenes (that you didnt have to take).

Looks like they have started using stripw for some of the proccesses - this will be whos behind this - stripe are notoriously anti vaping.
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