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Badly leaking CE5 V2's. Plz suggest alternatives.


Apr 12, 2013

I've been trialing a couple of different kits recently and other than some clearomisers that leak constantly and terribly, I'm getting on reasonably well with the Ego CE5 V2 clearomisers, (purchased from evape). I'm relativley new to "vaping", so I could really do with some advise from long term vapers to suggest the best system, as I'm sure there has to be something better than these CE5 V2's. I've noticed from my very brief time on this forum that some of you have been vaping for weeks, months, or even years. Could I please ask for your experienced advise and input.

I really need some suggestions please, for a system that:-

1) Fits 510 batteries, (I already have 6 or 7 of them, so really don't want to start shelling out for a different type of battery).
2) Decent taste (without burning/acrid vapour).
3) Produces a good amount vapour
4) Ease of use, rebuildable, and cleaning, etc.
5) Especially, a system that has improved anti-leaking measures.

The CE5 V2's seem to be a half decent system, but I'm actually quite disgusted with the quality, 50% of the CE5 V2 clearomisers I've purchased leak from the base to a ridiculous degree. I've watched a couple of videos on the subject, but they haven't helped. It doesn't matter how carefully I put them together they just will not stop leaking. I've also tried interchanging the internal components with the plastic outer, but that too has not helped.

It's so bad that it renders them completely unusable, and the vendor I purchased them from has just informed me they only have a 7 day warranty, so they can't go back.

I can't keep purchasing units for a system that I simply cannot trust to be useless from new, who can? Any help or advise you guys have would indeed be appreciated :).

I have been using the Evods as my daily out and about attys, great flavour no leaks yet and heads seem to last a good time
Burning/Acrid Vapour will come down to several factors. If it is burning straight away, that means the liquid never had time to get to the carto, user error :P

The good thing with the CE5's is that they are rebuildable. I also find that pre coiled heads are sometimes too tight at the coil. I snip one wick off as close to the coil and wiggle it out the other side. No burns ever. I also drip 1-2 drops of e-liquid directly onto the coil before filling it up to ensure that the coil is wet.

One downside to vaping is leaking. You have a liquid container in which air flow is needed to make it work. There will always be some kind of leaking, no matter what.
Thanks guys :).

As far as burning/acrid vapour goes, the CE5 V2's are actually very good and I've not had a single problem with burning or acrid vapour from them. The reason I mentioned it is my father was trialling a CE6 and it was producing an awful smelly acrid vapour. He's now returned to using the CE5's as well.

Yup, I understand that any system comprising multiple components, seals and o-rings, and containing oil is going to raise the issue of some leaking. Minor leaks as you say are to be expected and are ultimately unavoidable, having said that, 4 of my CE5 clearomisers do not leak at all, 1 has a minor leak. The other 5 "problem" CE5's I have however are leaking so badly, that if I re-fill them and leave them standing vertically, over the course of 24 hours they are dumping 1/4 of the e-juice. That isn't acceptable really. The seals and o-rings are all in perfect condition, but as mentioned, they just will not stop leaking....

...Hence the request for suggestions from others who may have tried other different systems who can point me in the direction of popular alternatives.

Cheers :).
containing oil

Please do not get confused, E-Liquids do not contain oil! Any E-liquid containing or advertised as oil should seriously be avoided!!

I use the CE5's Vivi Novas and rebuildables only. I dont really mess around too much and stick with one or two things for awhile.

Apparently I really need to try one of these EVODs. I have a Kanger t3 as well that I like, but it doesnt get used as much because I dont like the drip tip!

PS check the silicone bit that holds the connection bit on the very bottom of the CE5, sometimes those wiggle and dont seal back up properly.
Thanks K'M'stoopid :). No confusion, I know they are VG or PG e-liquids containing (obviously) Nicotine, and with the additional requisite ingredients for flavours and colour, etc :). You're right....It's a term I'll need to correct to avoid confusion though, I've got into the habit of calling it oil because of its texture and viscosity.

When you say: "PS check the silicone bit that holds the connection bit on the very bottom of the CE5, sometimes those wiggle and dont seal back up properly". Are you referring to the O-ring at the base of the internal component that is just above the screw threads please m8? (If yes, they are all seated correctly in the groove, but unfotunately, no joy :( ).

Don't get me wrong, the CE5 V2's that aren't leaking are great, they produce tons of vapour, a lovely flavour, and of course, can be rebuilt. I was just a bit annoyed with the quality.

I also have a couple of Ego-W's as well, I got both the Ego-W and the CE5's earlier on not knowing which would be the better system. I totally agree, it's probably better to stick with one system, and maybe just "trial" an occasional alternative, then go from there. The Ego-W's are actually very good when it comes to leaking as their design almost illiminates the problems associated with multiple seals. But, they too have the "drip tip", which like you I don't get on as well with, the cartomisers aren't rebuildable, and they just don't seem to be able to create vapour as well as the CE5's. Each of these systems certainly have their pro's and con's don't they?

P.S. After reading your second post, I decided to have a closer inspection of the problem clearomisers. Having done so, I can see very clearly on a couple of them that the collars that are bonded onto the clearomisers aren't on straight/level, they're not so badly misbonded to be obvious, but if you look a little more closely, it is noticable. I'm hoping that I can seperate the collars at the base, and use an epoxy resin to remount them so they are on straight.

Otherwise. Thanks for your suggestion regarding what I'm assuming is the O-ring at the base, had you not have made it, I wouldn't have noticed the issue with the collars. With a bit of luck, I may now be able to repair them when I was at the stage of binning them :).
I only use rebuildables now but when I was using the clearos, I found the V3 to be the best tasting and never had a leak.

I always got them from vape escape (they sell them as the ego rainbow V3 http://www.vapeescape.co.uk/vision-ego-rainbow-v3-rebuildable~388)

a friend of mine bought a ce4 V3 (from http://www.ltecigs.larsentilbrook.co.uk/ ) that she's very happy with. It was cheap from there too. I've got no idea what the difference is between a CE4 and a CE5 - hopefully someone else can fill in that blank?

I noticed recently ecigwizard are now doing a CE8 (http://www.ecigwizard.com/accessories/cartomisers/ss-mesh-ce8/ss-mesh-ce5-ce8.html ); it has a stainless steel mesh set up inside....... all built into a simple replaceable system - no need to make wicks and coils if you don't want to. I could be tempted with one of these as a spare in my kit bag in case a coil dies while I'm out and about.
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OK, thanks :).

I now know the specific cause of the leaking. I was going to bin them, but decided to completely dismantle them first to try and locate the problem. It's the metal collar/ring at the base. They're not perfectly round and have clearly been damaged as part of the mass production process. When the internal component is screwed into place, obviously the o-ring isn't getting a proper contact seal due to the collars being out of shape, causing ridiculous leaks. I've managed to repair two, but the rest will have to be binned.

I received some kanga MT 3's today, very similar to the Evod's I believe, and they are absolutely wonderful. I think I have found a system that I'll be happy with.
I received some kanga MT 3's today, very similar to the Evod's I believe, and they are absolutely wonderful. I think I have found a system that I'll be happy with.

I have MT3's and evods and they're pretty much an identical smoke. Evods are a bit smaller so hold less liquid but they also look a bit neater on an eGo battery. Cheaper replacement heads too at £8 or so per pack of five.
I have MT3's and evods and they're pretty much an identical smoke. Evods are a bit smaller so hold less liquid but they also look a bit neater on an eGo battery. Cheaper replacement heads too at £8 or so per pack of five.

Thanks for the further info Alan, it is appreciated.

In addition to the MT3's, the vendor that supplied the problem CE5 V2's also sent me a couple of the newer CE5 V3 Rainbow's that you have mentioned as a gesture of good will. As soon as I pulled them out of the packaging it was immediately apparent that these new rainbow CE5's are of much higher quality. They have addressed the problem with the collars being easily bent out of shape by making them from thicker metal. They've also added a double o-ring at the base, significantly improved the mouthpiece seals, and it would appear that have improved the heads as well, a huge improvement over the V2's.

I'm really pleased with both the MT3's and the new V3 CE5's. I think I'm going to use the MT3's whilst at home (as you say, they look a bit strange on the 510 battery, and could also easily get snagged on items in pockets), then use the CE5's for when I'm out and about :-D .

I'm still interested in some of the larger mod style batteries I've seen on the net, (subject to them fitting 510 carto's/clearo's), again for use at home, then use the 650mAh batteries when out. I'm obviously going to have to consider the possibility of ordering them from overseas, as they don't seem to be available in the UK, and I don't have the time or inclination to start building my own battery mods unfortunately.

I have a friend considering switching to vaping products and either giving up tobacco, or at least cutting right back, he's tried the Ego-W's I have but I'm not using and he really likes them, so at least they won't end up being wasted.

Now all I need to do is find some additional e-liquid flavours, as I like to have a few carto's with 3 or 4 different flavours on the go and have a bit of variety :-) . I really like some of the "premium black label" tobacco flavours that are available on "Evape". So far I really like their Benson, USA Red, Rolling Virginia, and the Silk Cut, they have become firm favourites. I've tried their Dunhill, Rothmans, Lambert's, and the Rolling Holborn, but didn't like them so much. I've also tried the flavoured RY4 and Cappuccino, again, didn't get on too well with them.

Any suggestions for some other tobacco based flavours that you experienced vapers rate as a good flavour and that give a decent vapour please guys? I'm not interested in the fruit or menthol flavours, but if anyone has any other tobacco flavoured suggestions I'd really appreciate your input.

Thanks again to everyone for your advise, you've all been a great help :-) .
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