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Ball bearings for mixing?

This is my one if anyone's interested. I think 'Rustic' is the operative word. (much like the camera work)

IMG_20190713_053343.jpg IMG_20190713_053512.jpg IMG_20190713_054733.jpg IMG_20190713_053036.jpg IMG_20190713_052855.jpg IMG_20190713_052940.jpg
I attach my shortfils to the saw blade of a reciprocating saw using an elastic band and it shakes like a good un.
Nasty ballin juices come with 2 ball bearings already inside the bottle
There's two reasons I built my stirrer, number 1 is I enjoy he hobby side of vaping and all the bit that go with it, along with tinkering in general. And number 2, and I cannot emphasise this enough, I'm extremely lazy. So I pour out a load of juices, plonk them on the stirrer and piss off for an hour. No standing about pretend wanking for me! :2thumbsup:

Use your left hand (assuming you are right handed, or vice versa)
then it won't feel like you "mixed it" yourself

You can also use a velvet glove - ergh uhm so I've been told
but when I tried that bottle just flew out of my hand

I'd like to say I mix up 250ml or 500ml bottles, but in reality I only really "mix" a very small 10ml :(


To each their own as they say - I mix up say a litre or so of my adv
shake, steep, shake, steep - usual method
pour out say 200ml, but shake just prior to decanting, maybe add a little kick or not (shake again)
refill a load of 10ml's (20 x 10ml is about a months adv)
take the 10ml around with me in pocket/backpack - yeah it is getting shaken up a bit over next day or so

kinda works for me

@ObiWanVaponi - amazing setup though, credit where credit is due
I heard of someone using love eggs to stir their diy liquid. Apparently it’s not bad.
I heard of someone using love eggs to stir their diy liquid. Apparently it’s not bad.

sounds a bit fishy but adds a unique blend I suppose
didn't realise Love Honey did vaping equipment
but yeah suppose a Rampant Rabbit will work also
Do liquids really need this much mixing? I just give it a shake for a few seconds and call that it, every 2 or 3 days I just pick it up and do the same.
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