There's two reasons I built my stirrer, number 1 is I enjoy he hobby side of vaping and all the bit that go with it, along with tinkering in general. And number 2, and I cannot emphasise this enough, I'm extremely lazy. So I pour out a load of juices, plonk them on the stirrer and piss off for an hour. No standing about pretend wanking for me!
Use your left hand (assuming you are right handed, or vice versa)
then it won't feel like you "mixed it" yourself
You can also use a velvet glove - ergh uhm so I've been told
but when I tried that bottle just flew out of my hand
I'd like to say I mix up 250ml or 500ml bottles, but in reality I only really "mix" a very small 10ml
To each their own as they say - I mix up say a litre or so of my adv
shake, steep, shake, steep - usual method
pour out say 200ml, but shake just prior to decanting, maybe add a little kick or not (shake again)
refill a load of 10ml's (20 x 10ml is about a months adv)
take the 10ml around with me in pocket/backpack - yeah it is getting shaken up a bit over next day or so
kinda works for me
@ObiWanVaponi - amazing setup though, credit where credit is due