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Just had attempt 5 fail and finally realised why, after your comments went back and vaped just the FW butter Toffee and then the Inawera Caramel ... neither are very good prominent flavours.

Deffo ordering some of your suggestions and the TFA bavarian instead of the Capella.

Interesting your cream is 50% , I was going with the cream at about 30% .. but prob as the toffee was so tasteless i was having to put loads in to get a taste.
I've had another try of both about an hour ago and they're both very good in their own right.
Noticing the milk and cream fresh on the v1 now and the v3 is richer but noticeably lighter on the banana.
Ive picked through them both and rather than follow through with both variations I've adjusted where needed and introduced LB Vanilla Ice Cream to bridge the gap between milk and cream.
I'm confident it's ballanced but I may need to turn the overall flavour percentage down a smidge cos it looks a little flavour heavy but won't know for sure till its had a few days steep.

What do you mean by 30% and 50%?
Do you mean 3% & 5%?

Sorry not a good explanation, I mean on one of your recipes 50% of the concentrate used was cream, whereas I was using about 30% cream overall in my concentrate.

Well looks from your recipe I may just be copying yours ;)
It's pretty good as it is been vaping it most of the day.
I'm wondering if the banana and biscuit could increase a smidge but will wait a few more days see how it develops.
I'd be happy vaping this version all day which in my book is the aim :2thumbsup:
This is the last version of this I'll be doing and with the exception of a risky increase to the banana the only reason I've revised it is the wifey keeps saying it smells like curry.
It's the Dulce leche with caramel thats causing it and as it's not really true to a toffee flavour it's been replaced with CCW Old English Toffee.


Holding on for a week or so to see if any more tweaks happen, then im going to order the flavours. Thanks for your help @StrawberryRipple

Okay so just for you I've been vaping this all day and will make one final adjustment.
Upping the biscuit to 6 was a step up too far so back to 4 it goes but ill nudge the cookie dough a touch instead.
The old english toffee is right for this but not strong enough so upped by 1%.
The banana is not coming through enough and i know if the ccw one goes any higher it will start bringing in the off note you get with banana so lets add TFA banana cream at 2% but compensate by dropping the LB Vanilla Ice Cream by 1%.

Ill have to order the TFA Banana Cream for mine as i don't have any and note that this type of recipie could be tweeked forever so mix a 20ml batch as below and let it steep a week or so before trying it.

Once you've tried it let me know your thoughts and if it needs tweaking for your tastes we will work it out between us.

For future reference mixing is pretty easy without wastage so long as its almost there or close enough to taste in the first place.
Make 20ml of a single flavour at 12%.
Needs to be upped or lowered at test by say 2%.
Make another 20ml batch but with double the adjustment to take into account the correction needed for the first 20ml and then add them both together.

Say first is 20ml at 12% and you need to drop by 4%.
Make another at 4% mix the two so you'll end up with 40ml at 8%.

Anyway lets see how you get on with this......

Banana cream arived today along with a couple of extra bottles of free Acetyl Pyrazine.
Must have been a mistake in counting cos ended up with 3 instead of one.
Anyway i can't help thinking this looks a little over engineered.
How complicated should banana, cream & toffee in a pie crust be?
Would i change it?
Absolutely not and if it tastes as good as it smells it's going to be great.

Using the english toffee reminds me of this.....Mmmmmmmmm

ohh mate , blast from the past (Highland toffee) !!!!! I can't wait to mix this one up :)
Finally, all above now ordered, took a while to find LB Vanilla ice cream, out of stock most places. :woohoo:
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