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It's not bad, but..

The button is OK when clean but will get crunchy if it isn't cleaned regularly - and by clean I mean very, very clean - the lightest hint of tarnishing can make the throw feel graunchy which doesn't inspire confidence. Not really a con as such IMO as if you aren't willing to clean switches you shouldn't be using mechs, but it is surprising how quickly the copper mating surfaces in the switch need cleaning.

The colours don't match any RDA. I have the black, only it's a very dark grey - it reminds me of the paint used on trail bike motorcycle exhausts. The other colours are also a bit odd the red is a dark pink, the blue is a blue/grey tone - but the grey one actually is grey, but it won't colour match with anything. Personally I can live with the 'odd' colours but it can be an issue for some.

The engraved pattern on the top section that has been cut through the paint/stove enamelling of the top section will go green as it is uncoated - cleaning it can be tricky as you may damage/discolour the finish. as it is just outer decoration i don't bother cleaning it on mine as it has no bearing on performance but just be aware it can corrode and look a bit whiffy.

Despite that it is a decent coated copper 21700 mech and, if you are scrupulous about keeping the threads and the button internals clean, actually performs really well. 55 quid seems a reasonable price. Just don't underestimate how nasty the button can get when it gets tarnished. And that is WHEN it gets tarnished not IF - it will tarnish and it will happen quickly and cleaning the button internals must be done with monotonous regularity. I'm not exaggerating - it's a tarnish magnet.
£55 to spend, I could do you a brass THC Tauren with matching RDA and a Hellvape Trishul in copper for that kind of money.
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