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Batteries and charger for vamo


Apr 29, 2013
I just purchased a vamo as I saw th thread in the bargin section but have never used anything that takes batteries yet so am in need od some schooling.

I like the smallish formfactor so was looking at getting 2x 18350s and a 18650 for when im away from a charger all day but I am overwhelmed as to which type and where to order from. Same goes for a charger

I like the look of the kts storm on the market place so batteries that I couldd use in it too would be ideal.
hi Leek ,,have a shifty round the site .this question comes up alot and there will be answers galore for you .type vamo battery in search
Thanks guys, have been reading up as much as I can but with the vast options such as flats, regulated and imrs I cant work out what I shouldd add to my arsenal
unprotected flat tops m8 coz the vamo has protection built in and it gets confused by protection "i think" lol
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i`m still using el-cheapos charger and batteries that came with the vamo kit ..my 18350`s last a good 10/12 hours vaping 70/30 menthol moderately at 4.2 volts .i always use 18350 mode coz its like a fooking lightsabre in 18650 mode .and a bit of a wrist breaker lol
I had the same dilemma and bought 2x 18350's and 1x 18650. I fancied "small mode" for using out and about, and "long mode" for indoors. However I found the Vamo is a big heavy lump to carry about (even in short mode), and the 800mAh 18350's only last 3-4 hours. I now use a Vision Spinner and an eGo Twist out and about, and the Vamo mainly indoors - mainly in long mode with a 2000mAh battery which lasts all day.

My take on these modern batteries, in layman's terms, is that they can't be allowed to go completely flat like old-school batteries cos it ruins the chemistry in them somehow, and they can then blow up if you try to charge them. Therefore you get protected ones which will "know" that they're getting flat so will stop "working", and keep a low charge in themselves. Unprotected ones don't have this safety protection, so you'd need to know yourself that they're getting low and therefore stop using them. However the Vamo has it's own built-in protection so it will stop the batteries "working" when the voltage gets low anyway. I've read about the odd problem using protected batteries in Vamo's, something about the two safety features sort of not being compatible, but I, and many others, use protected with no problems, and enjoy the extra safety aspect.

The battery code is supposed to be the dimensions. So an 18650 should be 18mm diameter by 65mm length etc. But some of the big capacity 18650's can actually be 70mm long so might not fit in your Vamo. Similarly they could be a mm thicker too.

Lots of folks swear by the Nitecore or Xtar chargers. They have "overcharge" protection, which does what it says on the tin. Especially good if you use unprotected batteries, as the batteries can be unstable if overcharged (in the same/opposite way as if allowed to go flat). But lots of other folks use El-Cheapo chargers and don't have problems.
Sorry, is that any better gary68? I'm using an ipad with "POTV light" and it looks ok at my end.
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