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Battery advice for Smok TFV12

Mar 19, 2017
I've got the Smok g-priv and up to now have been using the baby beast tank with 6 coils at 80W on the 'soft' setting.

I upgraded to a TFV12 tank with the 12-coils. Rated at best performance between 130-200W I found 150W was perfect.

Anyway, what's happening is that the batteries are going down to half charge and then I'm getting a 'weak battery' message and the device doesn't fire at all.

I'm using these batteries:

2 x Fogstar 18650 3.7V 3500mAh 10/20A Premium Vaping Battery - Flat Top - Independently Tested:Amazon.co.uk:Electronics

and this charger:

XTAR VC2 Premium USB Charger w/ LCD Screen Display (MC Series Upgrade)18350 18500 18650 18700 14500 16340 17500 Li-ion Battery Charger(Without Batteries):Amazon.co.uk:Electronics

What batteries would be able to handle my set-up?

Would these be better?:

2 x Fogstar 18650 3.7V 2500mAh 23/35A Premium Vaping Battery - Flat Top - IndependantlyTested:Amazon.co.uk:Electronics

Cheers if you can help.
@LeamingtonSpaceman Use Fogstars website www.fogstar.co.uk . Samsung 25R or Sony VTC5a unless anybody else has better recommendations. @Ben fogstar is a well respected vendor on these forums & I've had no issues & great service. Check the thread in the Vendor section. The weak battery message is because the batteries your using are too low amp rating. The 25r & VTC5a are 25a rated. I use them in Rx2/3 & Cuboid & have had no issues. Any questions pm Ben (he might still be on holiday) or email Fogstar.
@LeamingtonSpaceman Use Fogstars website www.fogstar.co.uk . Samsung 25R or Sony VTC5a unless anybody else has better recommendations. @Ben fogstar is a well respected vendor on these forums & I've had no issues & great service. Check the thread in the Vendor section. The weak battery message is because the batteries your using are too low amp rating. The 25r & VTC5a are 25a rated. I use them in Rx2/3 & Cuboid & have had no issues. Any questions pm Ben (he might still be on holiday) or email Fogstar.

Hey, thank you for taking time to post such an informative reply. I appreciate it a lot.

Yes, I was thinking the amp rating was too low.

I see the VTC5a look decent rated at 25A. What about the Fogstar 2500mAh? They seem to be rated at 22A but pulse rating is 35A.

What do you think?

Thanks again.........
Better asking Fogstar as I don't know what make of battery is in the rewraps. Knowing Fogstar if that's what it says on the tin then that's what it is as he's safety first & foremost so wont sell crap.
As I say Samsung, Sony & LG are all well thought of on here.
@LeamingtonSpaceman sorry I can't be of more help but either Ben will point you in the right direction or somebody more knowledgeable will be along.
I'm a battery noob, but was advised against the 3500 mah, and I'm only vaping a single cell mod at 12w most of the time - they're for torches and very low powered mods, not suitable at all for your set-up. nwhornet has some good advice, maybe others can confirm so you can make sure you're using it safely.

Further edit: Check out SirLugg's thread 'Batteries! Grab a cuppa' further down the page, save the poor guys repeating themselves!
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Mr Ben star of the fog's 3500 mah cells are the absolute mutts goolies in a single cell mod at the low wattages you mention @Leni. Perfickly safe and last for yonks. Howsomever, they will be totally unsuitable for use in the op's mentioned set up and possibly even unsafe. I accidentally fired one at 50watts or so and it drained in moments and got a bit warm doing so too. Hopefully someone will be along shortly to set you straight. Your alternative choice looked fine to me. Any of the usual LG, Samsung or Sony culprits will be correct.
Hey, thank you for taking time to post such an informative reply. I appreciate it a lot.

Yes, I was thinking the amp rating was too low.

I see the VTC5a look decent rated at 25A. What about the Fogstar 2500mAh? They seem to be rated at 22A but pulse rating is 35A.

What do you think?

Thanks again.........

FYI ;)......Forget pulse ratings bud!!! There is NO industry standard testing that officially outlines what the duration of a pulse rating should be. It could be 1 millisecond or 4 seconds, there's just no way of knowing. Each manufacturer claims their own pulse ratings, but in the world of vaping, just ignore pulse ratings and you'll be a lot safer!!

What you need to observe is the CDR of the cells, even then preferably "Mooch's" ratings, not the manufacturer ratings. For vaping you're best off sticking to the best 3, LG, Samsung and Sony. I use cells from all 3 manufacturers for different purposes and respective mods and have never had a problem with any of them :).

Would strongly advise that until you source new cells, you CEASE vaping at that wattage with those cells. You're just asking for trouble there. You're essentially using torch batteries way beyond their safe limits at 150+ watts!! Keep using them as you are, you're ultimately risking the cells venting or worse.

Buy directly from Fogstar website, it's cheaper ;). Ben provides just as good, if not better direct customer service if you have a problem to Amazon :).

Sony VTC5A's would be your best bet :). With the exception of one of my 133 watt limited DNA 200's which has some VTC5's, all of my other dual cell mods have VTC5A's, especially those capable of 150-200+ watts.

@Leni. The cells you're using for the purpose you're using them for are perfectly fine :). As long as you don't forget to purchase the appropriate cells should you change your manner and style of vaping and start to up the wattage :).
Thanks guys, yeh, I'd be fine with the 3500mah, but went for Samsung 30Qs - giving myself the extra head room to explore dtl vaping a bit. I'm sampling the delights of a raspberry custard at a mighty 20 watts lol :14: Vape safe @LeamingtonSpaceman my mod & battery needs are completely different to yours.
Thanks to @nwhornet, @Leni, @traksta1 , @Arctic_Wolf for all your help and advice.

I've put my big baby beast tank back on my g-priv at 70W and will avoid using the TFV12 until I get some different batteries.

I'm going to order the Sony VTC5A's as these seem to be getting some love from you guys.

At least this exercise has tested the safety features of the g-priv as it simply will not fire when the warning is displayed.

I hope my device hasn't been damaged in the process though? No damage to the batteries that I can see either.

Thanks again to you all for your advice. I really do appreciate it alot.......
Thanks to @nwhornet, @Leni, @traksta1 , @Arctic_Wolf for all your help and advice.

I've put my big baby beast tank back on my g-priv at 70W and will avoid using the TFV12 until I get some different batteries.

I'm going to order the Sony VTC5A's as these seem to be getting some love from you guys.

At least this exercise has tested the safety features of the g-priv as it simply will not fire when the warning is displayed.

I hope my device hasn't been damaged in the process though? No damage to the batteries that I can see either.

Thanks again to you all for your advice. I really do appreciate it alot.......

Even at 70 watts you're still potentially pushing those cells pretty hard!! They're simply not designed to be used for vaping, they're essentially torch batteries!!. They can be used for vaping for a longer battery life, but even then 15 watts or so in a single/dual cell mod for MTL use is really the only safe option. Vape higher, you're potentially into pulse territory every time you press fire!! You'd have to ask Ben for the specifics of what those particular cells can handle, but I'm fairly sure he'd tell you not to use them for anything other than very low wattage MTL vaping or torches and I certainly wouldn't use them in anything other than my old gen 3 15 watt max mods personally!!

Fogstar have incredibly fast delivery :). Order now or early tomorrow, you'll hopefully have your VTC5'As on Tues morning :). If you can dial the wattage down even more until then, you'd be safer!! Or, use another tank with high resistance coils if you still have one available??. You've actually been pretty lucky getting away with what you have. Was the mod or were the cells getting notably warm??

Your charger BTW is a decent make and model :). No issues there :). Just dial down the wattage as much as you can bare until you get the safer cells that can handle the type of current you're putting through them safely :). Am sure you probably already know to keep them as married pairs and obviously 2 or even 3 pairs would be a good idea at the wattage you're intending to be vaping as battery life will be reduced, one pair may not have fully recharged in time whilst using a second pair depending how often you are vaping ;). Three pairs would make sure you were covered put it that way :).

Glad you asked to double check your setup BTW :D. Nice one ;) :D.

Happy vaping and enjoy your new set up safely with some decent VTC5A's :D.
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