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BBC WatchDog E-Lites Advert BANNED!



[h=5]On BBC Watchdog tonight...

The Elites advert has been banned by the Advertising Standards Authority after 65 complaints. Their reason "The use of the baby could appeal to younger viewers, particularly teenagers, and as a result may make the act of smoking more attractive to them."
Apparently that means the advert is a breach of their regulations.[/h]

Found this on FB
I saw it on tv.
I actually threw something tonight, one because of this, the ad had a baby in it and somehow that is going to encourage young people to smoke. W T F
and two:
multi-millionaire richard e grant did a feed-a-child-in-africa-clone segment, i thought it was another famine appeal for ethiopia, or aids or something but no, he bought his daughter a second hand 2004 mini, and the power steering pump failed in 2013, on the 9yr old car, and I had to watch him complain.

next week on watchdog: brake pads need replacing every 2 years, sacrilege
It is so stupid in this day and age, you cant watch a cartoon without being told 'do not try this at home'
Are people really that stupid these days?
Hmmm, guess i answered my own question, if we have to be warned that coffee cup's contents may be hot, or a packet of nuts 'may contain nuts'
Please stop the world, i want to get off!
psychologists were given new guidance today to consider people under the age of 25 as children from an emotional standpoint.

the average age of a first time buyer is now 39 or so, depending what bullsh1t you read.

i know my dad had 3 kids and on house number 2 by the time he was 24. and that wasnt uncommon.
we are going one way now, down.
Oooh noooes teens are going to see the cute baby advert...go out and get pregnant so they can vape elites...then move onto smoking !!

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65 complaints....how many MEPs are against ecigs? Hmmmm

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When I first noticed this advert I thought it was an add for pampers or SMA gold so disregarded it. only tonight on watchdog do I find out it was for E lites lol :imstupid
Unless they're afraid babies are going to take up smoking, I struggle to see what it is about the use of a baby that attracts children to smoking.

Aside from anything else, the advert message is anti-smoking
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