Dear (insert name of person supposedly on our side here )
I felt that I should put finger to keyboard (which annoyingly does not have the same sounding impact as putting pen to paper) about the news filtering through about Article 18 from a perspective as a business owner in the ecig industry and also an avid user who has failed to quit smoking using other methods for years.
Firstly I cannot believe that any legislation such as this, that would effectively ban all current products on the market could come to pass without some form of coercion from parties likely to lose billions in revenue such as Pharmaceuticals and Tobacco and I know I am certainly not going to be the first to voice this concern. Certainly after the TPD amendment failed in Brussels we were happy to see that our voice had been heard initially and that swathes of public figures, MEP's and MP's that had previously vilified the e-cig and associated products had realised the greater public health implications of keeping them open and available to the public.
Article 18 does the very opposite of this and is incredibly damaging to all except those aforementioned industries with the financial might to quickly buy their way around the legislation and product development required in order to become the only players in the game once again.
As a small business owner in this market I strive for many things, excellent service and support, a range of products to suit different people and most of all I strive to convert those who currently smoke to a new way to enjoy nicotine. My own mother has had Cancer on a couple of occasions and, I suspect like many others with a similar health scare, I want her around for many more years - something that will not likely happen should a de-facto ban be placed on these products.
Health aside, the industry is young, it is fresh and is offering new jobs to people in manufacturing and retail as well as all the associated sectors - something that should not be overlooked. It is freeing up the NHS and other health services as less and less will need to visit doctors for smoking related illnesses. It is making families healthier and happier with those who were once sentenced to wheeze through life once cigarette at a time and either give up something they enjoyed or just die as a result.
My own business is fledgeling and yet I have many converts from smoking on my customer lists, from those in their twenties to their sixties and through implementation of Article 18, the European Parliament will fail them spectacularly at a time when it should be fighting to see more people live happier and healthier lives with a product known to be many times less harmful than the major alternative it squares up against.
There needs to be open discussion on this matter - not closed door legislation
There needs to be an open market, with flavours and strengths in various brands in order to satisfy everyone looking to switch.
There needs to be no restriction on the method in which people are permitted to use their devices, keeping single use cartomisers with no refills is simply not good enough.
We need to be able to continue to vape, or smoke, or take NRT - whatever method WE decide but through OUR own choice.
I am sending this (now lengthy - my apologies) email to you in the hope that you will my issues with this policy article..
I am happy to be a vaper, I enjoy the experience. My family enjoy having a father and husband who does not smell or wheeze, someone who can spend more money on family outings through not smoking. I am healthier since making the switch and damaging legislation on any level will be fought until we are left with our range of devices, our liquids, our flavours and strengths to suit US.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope you are able to do something to help.