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Belated Birthday!

Happy b'day Jimmy.

You should feel honoured to get a belated birthday wish, no one even mentioned mine, I'm not hurt though.....honest.
Chin up Robzki you know the planet loves' ya! and a better late than never happy birthday to you JimmyJack :) Hope you had a good'en matey.
I've had a word with the mods and it is all cleared up now. I've forgiven them. :) they tried to argue that because my birthday was in April and I wasn't vaping then or a member here then they could be excused. They should have had the foresight to come and find me.... ;)
Well I was born on a Tuesday and you lot forget it every week ... :strawberry:
Well I was born on a Tuesday and you lot forget it every week ... :strawberry:
Not at all-I've written to the prime minister and asked him if we can officially rename Tuesday as szaxeday. I'll let you know what he says :D
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