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Best build for unflavored juice...


Jun 28, 2015
Hi everyone,

As per the title I'm interested in peoples oppinions on the best build for unflavoured juice.

The reason for asking is that I have experienced quite a sweet flavour on some of my previous builds and I seem to have lost that recently. I have changed from a mech to a regulated device and I felt, for some strange reason, that lessened the sweetness but I have tried new builds to get more flavour and it's just not working. Or, of course, it is working but there is no flavour there so it tastes more bland!?

I solely vape 12mg VG base mixed with boots glycerol to bring the nick down to 3 or 4mg.

PS sorry if this is in the wrong place but the juice section didn't seem to fit the bill.


Are you using a similar wattage to what you would have had on the mech ?
Have you tried varying the wattage to see if there is a level that recreates the mech flavour?
That is the extent of my thoughts
Well oldhippydude I did try the equivalent wattage but the vapour just wasn't as sweet, moist and fluffy... No amount of playing with the wattage would change this. Maybe it is all in my head, nothing should be any different! So I figured, as I mentioned, I'd try some flavour builds but I can't get, what I would consider to be the taste, of unflavoured candyfloss back. :(

I just don't know what it was so im just wondering if I need more heat, less heat,a cloud build or a flavour build. I don't really want to go back to the mech ask like the safety of reg mods.
Could just be vapers tongue.
Vape the same flavour or non flavour long enough and your brain filters it out.
Many people change flavours for this reason.
Then, you often get posts from people who can hardly taste any flavour for a while then it just comes back.

Like you, I can not think of a reason why it would be the devise it is fired on.
Thank you for your input buddy! I didn't think it'd happen with no flavour but I guess so. Perhaps it's high time I found a good affordable juice supplier.
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