I've just made a pair of dual parallel coils. Six wraps each on a 14 gauge needle with 27 gauge Kanthal A1. Measuring in at 0.12 ohms on a Vape Geek ohms reader. Fitted to a Stillare RDA and a s/s GP Paps mod (both clones from M-Vapes). Sony VTC5 18650s, naturally. Using my own 3mg 10pg/90vg Red Astaire juice.
I made the same build last week which weighed in at 0.15 ohms and then I got The Fear. I even posted on this forum about it and got a bit of a telling off for being stupid. After a few more days reading up, I made a new set of coils and decided to commit. I've been vaping most of the afternoon on it. I'm getting some mild heat on the fire button but it's not bad. I'm also only doing three to four draws at a time then giving everything time to cool back down.
So far, so good. Vapour production is intense. I think I might like this.
flying over your house,
a guy called xib