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beyond the pro tank 2

I'll be honest, I would never consider a Kayfun because there's no way I'd spend £70 on a tank.

I got some iclear 16s with my itaste VV - though looking so much like CE4s was a bit offputting (I'm becoming a bit of a vape snob - not enough to eschew FastTech, though), the 16s aren't bad. The superior build quality is apparent from the outset, and they're dual coil.

They wouldn't replace the Kangers or DCTs as preferred tank, but I've been using one exclusively for Menthol this past week (head/chest cold), and it vapes well (I just didn't want to taint any of my favourite tanks with menthol, as it's just sick-bed juice).

I've some drippers in transit (for an eternity, it seems) - but I'll only use those at home.

I still think you should give DCT a try

Oh, and as we're on the subject - if anyone wants someone to manage a vape shop - I'm interested!
TBH I have never had a good vape from either the iclears or the vivi novas, or at least not as good as a protank. But some people really the iClears, and the new ones iClears 30s are supposed to be quite good.

Have both iclear 30 and 30s, both consigned to spares tin. Evods/protanks just easier for out & about
Another vote here for the Iclear 30`s breakbystealth I also have a protank 2 and it is sat on the shelf, I have tried different ohm coils with it, used it on the Evod battery as well as the SVD and I am still not that keen. When my Nem clone comes it will have one last chance on that, if not then I will get rid.
I am not sure about any of them.. But I am waiting for the arrival of the pro tank 3 ;)
Oh, and as we're on the subject - if anyone wants someone to manage a vape shop - I'm interested!

Can you commute to Salisbury, and can we pay you in juice? :D

The best tanks you can get now that are faff free and not too pricey for out and about is an Aspire BDC Davide glass tank. They're better than the PT3 and the vape is not that far away from top end Kayfun/Spheroid/Taifun quality. Having to buy stock heads for it is a downer and you have to get the airflow dialed in just right to get the most out of them but they are about the best on the market right now.

I've not tried the new iClear30s yet, was hoping for big things from the ProTank3's but am hearing very mixed reviews on them.

To get a better vape then your looking at spending a lot more money on a KFL+ or if you're not too bothered about clones then the Fogger v2 has had good reviews.

A good dripper is an IGO-L.
Well i have ordered the MVP V2 and that comes with the iclear 30s so i am looking forward to trying one out, i do love the evods, just a pity they don't hold more juice, the protanks are good, i like them as well. breakbystealth i bought an igo-s and its awesome, although i prefer to drip in my cabin, not too keen on going out and about with it, but i may change my mind :)
i've got a protank 2 with 2 more on the way I love it - i've got an igo l dripper as well but not very convienient on the go
and i'l be getting myself a protank 3 when i have the moneys
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