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Big Bore KF4 (drilled juice flow and air flow)


Nov 15, 2014
I had a pal drill out the juice flow holes and the outer air intake holes with 5/64 size bit today.

Initial results are very good using 80% VG juice, it's coping quite happily with 30w and a 1.8ohm chimney coil, standard centre post with air flow control screw removed. It's wicking and firing well even at 40w.

I'm gonna play with it a little over the next few days with different coils etc but so far I'm impressed.

I have the 4S kit en route from Fasttech which I'll also try it with (when it eventually gets here....ordered on 16th Feb just as Chinese New Year holiday started)

Tonight I have a 1.2ohm standard/non contact coil that has small gaps between each wrap and p*ssflaps wick, sorry, pancake wick, courtesy of Mr Trippers. This time the air flow control screw is back in and set at max.

Still with the 80% VG and still impressed. This is definitely outperforming what it was capable of with standard size juice flow holes IMO

Just done a quick chain vape at 20w and 30w and it is throwing some great shapes.

I have 18mg strength in there which has knocked me bandy.

Thats all folks.

Do you have pics of the work done and the set ups?

Ok here's a couple of shots

I have 3 KF4 clones. 2 of them I am attempting to compare.

In the shot below of the coils the one on the left is:

8 wraps, 3mm ID, 28gauge kanthal, 1.5ohms installed.

The one of the right is:

6 wraps, 3mm ID, 28gauge kanthal, 1.2ohms installed.

KF4 coils.jpg

...The 6 wraps at 1.2 ohm is what I used with 80%VG. Excellent wicking and excellent vapour. Also used with 55% VG. Excellent wicking and vapour production.

The 8 wrap I had in the unadulterated standard clone. Wicking problems and some dry hits even with 55% VG and airflow screw set to what I thought was a far too tight draw.

I have just swapped the build decks and put the 8 wrap into the bigger bore clone also with the same 55% juice and I am not getting any wicking problems. I don't do any primer puffs but what I do do is loosen the fill head (after a few blasts on it) and observe how many bubbles come up. Lots in the standard clone and usually none in the bigger bore clone.

Here's a shot of the 2 upturned chimneys. You can just make out the one on the right has bigger juice holes:

KF4 in chimney.jpg

What went well with the re-bore of the juice holes was the fact that it actually worked without it becoming a total balls-up. What didn't go well was the fact that is was almost a total balls-up. My pal was a bit gung-ho with the pillar drill. There was no clamp or vice available to hold the piece.

First effort was with the chimney in a suitable sized spark plug socket and held by his fingers alone. This didn't go well and it was snatched out of his fingers and went a-spinning on the drill bit.

Second effort onwards had the piece held by mulgrips/locking pliers on top of the socket. This kept the piece under control.

Most drill holes did ever so slightly bulge the corresponding thread on the outside of the chimney. At least one drilled hole was perfect with no bulge to the thread. One drilled hole, and I suspect it was the one that was lost control of, made a microscopic puncture through to the other side where the thread is. When I first saw the result I thought 'oh god, I'm down to 2 clones and a 44 piece spares kit'.

Reassembly was fine though, the slight bulges in the chimney's large outer thread were no problem for the next piece to screw onto.

It leaked however. The puncture blunder had me thinking it was a total balls up again. Happy I was, to discover that I could use one of the spare O-rings it came with to re-seal it.

Here's a shot of the bastardised big bore next to a standard. You can see the extra O ring and the en-biggened outer air intake holes.

I 'splain you all this with the point being that it is possible to drill these holes out with no damage to the chimney.

2 KF4.jpg

The main reason I wanted to try this was because I had tried a number of different coils and wicks in those coils and I just wasn't happy with the wicking/juice flow for the various high VG content DIY juices I was using. Even with 55% VG I was getting really pissed off with it not keeping up with my greedy vaping requirements.

So anyway so far I'm impressed with the results. A few tests in the evening is not the same as taking it to work and vaping all day on it so this is still a work in progress for me to decide if it's worth doing to the other 2 clones I have.

I have been careful not to mention flavour.... i THINK it's good but I've been using some high VG juice I have which is not the best test for flavours. I will be using this with different flavours over the coming days and will have more feedback to share lest anyone be interested.

If anyone would like me to test anything in particular let me know.

Any respected forum member that might fancy road testing this clone with their favourite high VG juice for a couple of weeks is welcome to do so if they are prepared to pay whatever the return postage cost back to me is, plus write back here what their verdict is of it in general.

I'm thinking it would best suit someone that already has a KF4, has the time to fanny about with it, and could be arsed to give some feedback.

I've got 300ml of 55% vg flavours to blast through before i mix any more high vg and anyway I'm more interested in a second opinion before I let my pal with the pillar drill loose on the other 2 clones I have.

PM me if you fancy it!

Tubbyengineer old chap, I wonder whether you might be prepared to give me your professional verdict on this bored out clone with some high VG juice? I'll cover all postage costs for an opinion of your calibre. What I'm most interested in is effect, if any, on flavour. I don't have any real complex flavours to test it with but could supply some Inawera fruit flavoured juice of your choice perhaps?
I had a pal drill out the juice flow holes and the outer air intake holes with 5/64 size bit today.

Initial results are very good using 80% VG juice, it's coping quite happily with 30w and a 1.8ohm chimney coil, standard centre post with air flow control screw removed. It's wicking and firing well even at 40w.

I'm gonna play with it a little over the next few days with different coils etc but so far I'm impressed.

I have the 4S kit en route from Fasttech which I'll also try it with (when it eventually gets here....ordered on 16th Feb just as Chinese New Year holiday started)


Will be keeping a close eye on this thread. Mine is pissing me off to tight a draw. I can see the drill coming out also.
@Tubbyengineer old chap, I wonder whether you might be prepared to give me your professional verdict on this bored out clone with some high VG juice? I'll cover all postage costs for an opinion of your calibre. What I'm most interested in is effect, if any, on flavour. I don't have any real complex flavours to test it with but could supply some Inawera fruit flavoured juice of your choice perhaps?

I'm probably not the one to ask for this as I'm lousy with flavours, Air flow is a complex issue on the KF4 and frankly the 4s Kit lasted all of 3 hours before I ripped it back out of mine and went back to the standard airflow. I've been having issues with both of mine (Original and clone) with wicking rates and airflow and temperature control. I'm just currently giving a new Heron a workout and enjoying it far more than the KF4's with nickel builds, I may well do Kanthal builds in mine tommorrow and see how they go with that as they were never designed with nickel builds in mind...

Drilling the juice flow holes should improve the juice flow, airflow is restricted not only by the 4 outer air holes but also a series of smaller channels on the inside of the base, you'll need to make sure that they can cope with the extra airflow although I suspect they can as the limit on airflow is going to be the centre post diameter. If you really need someone to give something a High VG workout then I'd suggest Raguri as he is the forums resident loony cloud monster and atty destroyer, just make it clear that you want him to test for flavour NOT whether it can withstand having blast furnace heat levels in the chamber...
I'm probably not the one to ask for this as I'm lousy with flavours, Air flow is a complex issue on the KF4 and frankly the 4s Kit lasted all of 3 hours before I ripped it back out of mine and went back to the standard airflow. I've been having issues with both of mine (Original and clone) with wicking rates and airflow and temperature control. I'm just currently giving a new Heron a workout and enjoying it far more than the KF4's with nickel builds, I may well do Kanthal builds in mine tommorrow and see how they go with that as they were never designed with nickel builds in mind...

Drilling the juice flow holes should improve the juice flow, airflow is restricted not only by the 4 outer air holes but also a series of smaller channels on the inside of the base, you'll need to make sure that they can cope with the extra airflow although I suspect they can as the limit on airflow is going to be the centre post diameter. If you really need someone to give something a High VG workout then I'd suggest Raguri as he is the forums resident loony cloud monster and atty destroyer, just make it clear that you want him to test for flavour NOT whether it can withstand having blast furnace heat levels in the chamber...

Thanks for your input Tubbyengineer. I'll drop Raguri a line and see if he'll be a sport and throw a shape with it and make a verdict. IMHO in terms of wicking, it's got it, I've quantified that myself with 80% VG which is like treacle. In terms of airflow, it's got it, although I can't quantify that what I've done has made any difference other than intuitively. In term of flavour I reckon it's got it and if I can get this opinion seconded then would have no hesitation in recommending others drill theirs.

I've been having fun with the Youde Goblin, the wicking and airflow are outstanding and yet there's something about the KF4 when it's working that is worth drilling the holes for.

Raguri, although we have not crossed paths before now I would be delighted if you would be so kind as to try, at no cost to yourself or with any strings attached, this clone I've drilled out, and let me know if you agree with me that it is essentially a solution to the KF4's shite performance with high VG juice. I reckon it can handle 80%VG no problem.

As per posts above in this thread I would be most grateful if you were to avoid melting it but instead confirm whether you agree that this modification has not impaired the unit's overall flavour performance.

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