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Boots Value Health Glycerin BP

I found that the boots VG stuff killed my flavour. Been using other sources for awhile now.
i use it all the time its basically cough and cold syrup ive not had a sore throught or a cough since we all vape cough medicine ha
I know this is an old thread but I had it on my watch list.
I am about to do a trial and was going to start a thread (if I needed to).
Will just put it in here if I find anything.

I have used Boots my entire mixing life, maybe 3 years or so.
I tried a shop bought VG and found no difference about 18 months ago so stuck with Boots.

My last 2 litres of Nic from Darkstar I stuck in a litre of VG.
I am going to mix identical bottles with the two different VG's at 50% - will see if they taste different. (with regards to some saying it mutes flavour).
Its all I use and can't tell whether it mutes flavour or not...so i'm sticking with it!
Juicy Fruits made.
Shake & Vape.
Both nice of the bat.
Cannot say right now, Darkstar might be better? Might be in my head?
Using in the same tank so emptying and re-filling.
Should really make identical coils and set up two identical set ups side by side.
Might try tomorrow once the steep a wee bit.

In a totally unscientific trial I held the two bottles upside down and the darkstar blend did drip first BUT they were still warm from mixing and had very slightly different volumes in the dripper bottles. Again I may set the bottles to the same volume and temp then try again, however who is to say mass moulded nibs are truly identical. This is to try and determine if Boots VG is thicker.
For me it as not the price but the availability and convenience.
Yes you can get cheaper online but it is great to pop to the shops and grab what you need.
Less post means less questioning from the other half - leaving the post for the real goodies. @norwichvaper78
I picked up a bottle of this stuff to try, and fair play - it does the job better than I thought it would! No muting of flavour that I can notice
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