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Boro tanks


Nov 28, 2018
I’ve been looking at the different (BB compatible) Tanks.

im wondering what the benefits, and problems, of each are?
Standard v1 and 2. I know the difference is the the size of the bottom hole, in v2, is larger to take PnP and gtx coil types.
Limelight. Great tank but the fill port can make panels stick out a bit, especially on the stubby and cthulhu.

mission. Authentic spacepods are supposed to be great but don't buy a clone, I got an sxk one and the seal came loose and broke immediately.
Ecigone did not accept the return.

proro aluminium, have both authentic and clone, both work great, only downside is you can't use most condensation plugs and af adapters.

Snail tank, pretty good but picks up scratches on the acrylic very easy

I am in dire need of some more empty boros so I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.

And also there is supposed to be a bogan ether empty boro tank coming out soon.
ProRo is my favourite. Prefer sliding glass to the those silly plugs.
Lol Yeah it can be a pain in the arse but to be fair I’ve been lucky enough to not have too many gasket issues. I generally keep a good stock of them.
Lol Yeah it can be a pain in the arse but to be fair I’ve been lucky enough to not have too many gasket issues. I generally keep a good stock of them.
Where do you get your spares from?

Glass type boros I've got 5
2 stock
2 ProRo
1 spacepod

I've had 6 gasket break/stretches on 3 of them.

the only ones that always work for me now are the stock one and the aluminium proro but I get nervous about cleaning them out.
Bought a load couple years ago from NS mods because the red stock ones let me down a couple times. So I only use the clear or black ones now depending on the colour of boro I’m using and tbh I’ve yet to be let down by the ProRo. Probably jinxed myself on that one now lol. I haven’t tried the space pod though so can’t say much for it. I always lube the gasket and the glass edges to try and avoid damaging or stretching.
Bought a load couple years ago from NS mods because the red stock ones let me down a couple times. So I only use the clear or black ones now depending on the colour of boro I’m using and tbh I’ve yet to be let down by the ProRo. Probably jinxed myself on that one now lol. I haven’t tried the space pod though so can’t say much for it. I always lube the gasket and the glass edges to try and avoid damaging or stretching.
I lube mine too just got unlucky with some bad quality.
Just tried using my limelight tank and it flooded so fuck boros today imma use my pioneer instead
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