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Bought RTAs- Zeus X, Wake, Juggerknot, Doggystyle, Dvarw mtl V2 which one is easiest as a newbie?

Well I just raised wattage from 35W to 40W and it lasted slightly longer without gurgling, 5 drags this time. Am I using a partcularly low wattage for a 1ohm coil? Should I raise it higher and higher? I wonder why when you leave it alone for a while again it settles and works fine briefly again, anyone know the mechanism behind it?
Well I just raised wattage from 35W to 40W and it lasted slightly longer without gurgling, 5 drags this time. Am I using a partcularly low wattage for a 1ohm coil? Should I raise it higher and higher? I wonder why when you leave it alone for a while again it settles and works fine briefly again, anyone know the mechanism behind it?

40w on a Doggy? 1 ohm coil, you'd normally vape that at 10-15w :18: It's not really an airflow tank to be put that sort of wattage through it
Haha. It works really well above 40w actually!! Unless THAT is the reason why I get gurgling because I'm flooding airflow capacity? I just switched to 15 and it's a nice gentle vape, let's see if it gurgles as much...
40w on a Doggy? 1 ohm coil, you'd normally vape that at 10-15w :18: It's not really an airflow tank to be put that sort of wattage through it
At 14 watts I took 10 drags in relatively quick succession only on the 11th did it gurgle... I took two dry drags then it cleared the chamber. Maybe it was the high wattage...
Haha. It works really well above 40w actually!! Unless THAT is the reason why I get gurgling because I'm flooding airflow capacity? I just switched to 15 and it's a nice gentle vape, let's see if it gurgles as much...
As with most rta’s it’s just trial and error with coil positioning and wicking, then adjusting the wattage accordingly.

I’ve always found its better to put more in and then thin it out accordingly with a pair of tweezers when trying a new set up, also thickness of juice can play a big part as to how much wicking your going to need.

All tanks have that sweet spot though and once you nail it you’ll be a happy camper [emoji1303]
I was surprised to get it right first time. The most difficult bit was actually positioning the coil legs after I decided to give the coil another extra wrap (I thought I could use the excess from the legs) the final wrap was a bit mishaped and I used the pliers to reshape it with a pull. Then I just trimmed two little bits sticking out which were preventing me from screwing it in properly. I thought it would take a day to figure out but in the end I spent about 90 mins on it, whilst watching some of the Doggystyle videos next time will be much faster I expect!
I rewick when the flavour starts dropping off, if I just used one tank all the time I would probably get 3 days depending on the juice.
If I was you I’d be having a look at your wick ASAP, knocking 30 or 40 watts at it won’t have done it any good. When coiling the Doggystyle you will find it very easy to trap the coil legs under the screws if you wrap them clockwise so that the legs come off the bottom and go round the screws in the same direction clockwise.
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