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MTL BP Mods Sure RTA Community Review


Jan 26, 2016
Roll up, Roll up (you’ll not be smoking them again!)

Up for a group review is the BP Mods Sure RTA, a collaborative test between 7 forum members.

Following Dovpo’s success at group testing, BP Mods have stepped up to pop their hat in the ring to offer their products up for a group test, knowing full well, the result could be good OR bad. Everyone’s input and opinions matter, whether it be great or crap. It ensures the outcome of the review is impartial, and absolutely honest, and with that out of the way, I can say this RTA has surprised us!

Our group testers are: @Amnesiac, @Chris K, @Crewella, @ForestMagpie, @hack400, @Phrasing, and @RichieRich

Starting with the introduction

The Sure RTA comes in 2 colours, Stainless steel, and DLC Eclipse (matt grey). It will handle MTL, RDL, and DL. 22mm Diameter with a 3.8ml capacity (2.4 and 6ml tank section available separately). The tank is a gravity feeding RTA, with a juice flow control, and enough airflow pins (12 to be exact) to really dial in your preferred style. These range from 0.8mm to 3.5mm, and 4mm with no air pin inserted.

In the box, you get the RTA, some very good information cards, and an accessory pack which contains the air pins, MTL tip (DL fitted), spare o-rings, spare post screws (slotted and phillips for your preference), and 2 coils to get you started (26Ga Ni80 2.5mm 0.7ohm, and 28Ga A1 x2-40Ga Ni80 Clapton 2.5mm 0.55ohm).

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The box itself, IMO is a little work of genius. All the different products use the same box, which from a production point of view keeps the costs down, rather than having multiple sizes and tooling costs for each design. One box fits all, the outer sleeve designates the product within, and its all recyclable too. No plastic packaging inside, so +1 point for the environment!


From the start, everyone seems to have got off well with the Sure. The wicking was agreed by all, to be the piss easy part to do, and supported a variety of different coils. 2.5mm would be best suited, but 3mm will fit ok, as long as the coil does not sit high (coil thickness taken into account too). If it sits high, it may touch the bottom of the tank when it is placed on the deck, which will give atty errors on your mod. BP Mods do state this is Mech safe (hybrid 510), so with this in mind, it is worth checking the resistance reading does not change once you put the tank back on after building to be on the safe side.

Building couldn’t be simpler. Pop your coil on, clamp the posts, and snip the excess wire. The sides of the deck has little recesses to allow your coiling rod to sit the coil centred perfectly. Next, pop your cotton through, trim to the edge of the supports, fluff it, then prime.
(TopTip: Choose which airflow pin you want to use BEFORE coiling. Pop it together and take a few test draws to make sure you're happy (or swap out and test again). Anyone who has used a Neeko before will know the importance of this, otherwise you have to remove the coil/wick to change the airflow again)

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BP Mods also show how to do this in the following handy video:

Filling the tank is where things become tricky for the first few times. The top part is held onto the bottom part like a bayonet fitting. Twist the top part so the top notch meets the middle of the three lower notches, and the tank lifts off. You then have access to the kidney shaped fill holes.


Fill up with your favourite liquid, and then swear at yourself for spilling it as you turn it over to refit :18:. You might do this, but you’ll only do it once, after you remember to keep it upside down and screw the deck back onto the tank. Align the upper and middle notch, and turn clockwise to the left notch (while pressing firmly). The three lower notches indicate the following,
Left: Juice flow fully open
Middle: Tank removal
Right: Juice flow closed
You can place the upper notch halfway in-between the left and middle, this will open the juice flow half way, and has a slight click so you know it’s locked into place. Once you get used to this filling method, it becomes second nature.

However, it became apparent when comparing the 2 colours in the group, that the DLC Eclipse version had less of a visible notch on the upper part. @Phrasing noticed this at first, and from there we all saw it too (or didn’t in this case).
Conversation went as follows:
@Crewella: I'm glad @Phrasing mentioned this too - the slot on the tank/cap is really hard to see on mine. You can just about see it from underneath, but side on it would take a blind man to see it, and from above (and I don't tend to use my vape from below) it's almost impossible.
@hack400's response: Mine is SS. In good light, with my "readers" on, I can just about see them. At night, I have no chance of seeing them.
@ForestMagpie: Like others the notches are a bit difficult to see, I can see them in nice light but on low light, no chance. I can see it being a little confusing for some people in terms of the notches, the twists etc , you shouldn't need to have a degree in engineering to use an RTA
@Phrasing's response: Oh dear what have I started. Forgive me Bruce
@dovpo_uk's response: Note to @RichieRich . Please can we vet the next tester’s eye sight also if they are drawing a pension
@RichieRich's response:

It’s possible this may be due to the coating used for the colour that makes it slightly less visible than the SS version, but if an improvement could be made to this, we’d suggest to BP Mods, that the upper notch be a little taller perhaps for better visibility.

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On the deck cover, there are 3 air holes. The literature states the 3 are for DTL, but if you take it off the deck, and rotate 180 degrees, it becomes 2 holes for RDL, and MTL. Obviously for MTL, this is then taken care of by the supplied air pins, but I personally didn’t see any difference leaving it on 3 air holes for MTL with a 1.2mm pin in. All down to your own preference.

Once assembled, whack it on your mod :D


Having seen some praise for the Sure from other members on the forum that have already got their hands on one, I had high hopes for the tank, I think we all did in the group. From receiving them in the post, to getting to use it, we’ve all had a pretty positive experience with this RTA, in various states of use. Regardless of how you set up the tank, MTL, RDL, or DTL, none of us have had a bad experience with it.

Some chose to use their own coils, and others with the supplied ones. When we’ve settled with our favourite builds, the flavour and vapour production from this has been nothing short of fantastic! I’ll say personally, this has been one of my best RTA’s I’ve used for MTL, so it goes to the top of my list.

There’s a lot of comments to go through, which won’t fit in this review, but can be seen in the attached scorecards for your reading pleasure.

What we can do though, is summarize our thoughts below:
@Crewella: Very easy to build and a good MTL vape.
@hack400: This quirky contraption from BP Mods has quickly become a favourite part of my daily rotation.
@Amnesiac: An easy to build but very rewarding vape, BP Mods nailed it!
@Phrasing: Excellent looks and surprisingly easy to set up.
@ForestMagpie: Like a young slut, easy yet surprisingly rewarding. Or... Easy to build and wick, silky smooth airflow and great flavour.
@RichieRich: Piss-easy to build, wick, and use. Flavour spot on, and great for a beginner!

Now for the scores on the doors:
@Amnesiac 9.3
@Chris K 8.6
@Crewella 9.3
@ForestMagpie 9.0
@hack400 9.2
@Phrasing 9.2
@RichieRich 9.3

Giving a group average score of 9.2 out of 10!

The group have had fun with this test, made use of the Gerbil, and had some good banter. If you've enjoyed this review, please give a thumbs up, and if you have any questions, please ask away! One or a few of us will respond as soon as possible!

Scorecard is attached at the bottom of this post, and more pics to follow in the second post.

Thanks for your time!


  • Sure Scorecards.pdf
    921.6 KB · Views: 65
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Additional comments from the review:
Hack400: It's been doing extremely well in RDL, I am very impressed with it.

Amnesiac: I have been really impressed by this so far, running the included rdl coil which came out at 0.46 with no airflow pin and at 25 watts it's delightful... Going to drain this tank and then give MTL a go but yeah, I love easy tanks that just work and this definitely hits that for me

Chris K: still getting on well at DTL, 0.2 at 30W. Still get an occasional short after filling but it’s only because the coil is a tad big for the deck. Gets very, very hot though at the base but again, I’m using it outside it’s comfort zone.
I do really like it though!

ForestMagpie: The airflow is so damn smooth! I've got the 1.1mm in with 2 airflow holes and it just glides through, superb. It's piss easy to build and I've had no gurgles, no dry hits, no leaking which is all bonus time

Chris K: Sure RTAs happy place it definitely more MTL

RichieRich: Update report. Still a great vape. No leaking, or dry/burnt hits. AND, for me, its knocking the socks off the Pioneer 1.5.
Amnesiac's response: 100% agree... I was really enjoying the sure in RDL mode and now I have switched over to MTL and I'm using the juice I was using in the pioneer... For me it's just a better, more saturated vape. I'm guessing that is due to the ease of wicking it, you can't really go wrong.

Crewella: Like others, I've gotten used to unlocking the tank by the 'feels'. Refilled, no issues, no leaks. Behaving impeccably.

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Thanks again all who tested. Have commented in the other thread.
I finally got the short tankfor this!

At this point I'd like to go on record saying I was right about having the short kit making this that little bit better.
The flavour which was already very good has reached another level.

I didn't think I would be a fan of the integrated mouth piece but it's a decent length for mtl and just as comfortable as the included one.

I'm aware I'm going to have to fill it every 5 seconds with the 2ml capacity, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for the stubby look and the better flavour.

If you like mtl and if you can find one, it's worth it

I finally got the short tankfor this!

At this point I'd like to go on record saying I was right about having the short kit making this that little bit better.
The flavour which was already very good has reached another level.

I didn't think I would be a fan of the integrated mouth piece but it's a decent length for mtl and just as comfortable as the included one.

I'm aware I'm going to have to fill it every 5 seconds with the 2ml capacity, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for the stubby look and the better flavour.

If you like mtl and if you can find one, it's worth it

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Cool sounds good I'll look out for one of them, also what mod is that? Looks good
Cool sounds good I'll look out for one of them, also what mod is that? Looks good
It's the BP mods lightsaber S model, perfect mod for the sure rta imo when I did the community review for it quite a few of the testers used the sure.
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