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Building for Mech Mods

i use a gizmo (small caged mech mod)for work and have done for 3 years because its so small
the things you need to be aware off when using a mech are
minimum recommended ohms the mod can run at before bits melt and stay above this
max amps your batts can run at(or the lazy way of min ohms they can handle)and stay on the safe side
dont forget to lock the fire button when not in use(pocket firing is more common than you think )
if it doesn't fire when you press the button ,pressing it harder isn't the best idea and something is prob wrong somewhere
if it gets v hot quickly part ways fast lol

a 0.2 ohm coil will run at about 70 ish watts and use up batt power like no tomoz
a 0.5 ohm coil runs about 30 watts
and a 1 ohm coil runs around 15 watts and your batt power lasts a lot longer
the thickness of the wire also makes a diff to how it vapes as thicker wire can have longer heating up time than thinner wires att the same ohms
5 to 7 wraps is normally what i do to get good results and the thickness of the wire is what gives you your resistance
you have to build the coil so it works with the power available as you cant turn it up and down but it will slowly drop in power

batts or good quality genuine batts are a must
if you sub ohming you are going to hammer the batts ,you really need to know what they can do and there are some peps selling copies
peps harp on about batt safety and for good reason if you use a torch batt in your sub ohm setup bad thing can happen quickly and the same with torn batt wraps
tbh i only use mechs for mtl as if things do go wrong it shouldn't happen as quickly i hope

last thing about mechs is you have to take them apart and clean them every so often
they get voltage drop (ie power loss) when the contacts on the switch get dirty

i like mechs for there size and altow there might be a fair bit to learn with them i have a 3 year old one that still works like new

hope that helps
I'm sure it can work. A lot of people used to vape that way with all kinds of attys before regulated mods were any good. And yeah you should get long battery life. As a dripper/squonker, I feel like RTAs are already too fiddly to get dialed in so I personally wouldn't use them with a mech. Ok that's not true I use a Sapor Mini on a SMPL sometimes, but still.

Did you see that Ehpro just came out with a new Mod 101 Pro? 21700 and hopefully it will address some of the issues with the old one.

OOoo but I don't have a 25mm atty for it... Food for thought though

There is a factor that is very important, but often forgotten.

Some mechanical aren't suitable for sub ohm builds, due to the inner workings of the mech. It seems like the beacon is one of them.

Some mechanical aren't suitable for builds below 0.5, for the same reason.

The beacon is a old design.

I was just looking at the Beacon Mods website and they link to a few reviews. I looked at one by RubyRoo who is vaping a 0.5 Ohm built RDA on it. I am thinking Creme De Vape might just be saying not recommended for sub ohm builds because it can be configured for an 18350s which wouldn't be batteries of choice for sub ohming, and they are being over cautious with their disclaimer. I can't see any other advice anywhere about not running low resistance coils on it.
right, you use a KF prime 'lower than 16w usually' so you aren't going to be wanting to build lower than 1 ohm anyway are you?

The simple thing to do is wrap a coil so you get the same wattage you usually vape at and adjust from there.
1.0ohm will give you approx 17.5w*
1.2ohm will give you approx 14.5w *
1.4ohm will give you approx 12.5w *
1.6ohm will give you approx 11w *
1.8ohm will give you approx 10w*

*on a fully charged cell.

the only thing to think about is that on a mech the power will decrease as you vape, so it might be worth going a little higher (on wattage) than you usually vape so when the cell is around 3.7v you get a decent vape for the longest time.

yup, 28 or 30 awg will do fine, Kanthal or Nichrome ... SS won't probably get the resistance high enough for you.
So many questions, so I’ll miss something here.

The key takeaway from any advice I now give is this: Mechs are bollocks.

The only reason to buy and use a mech these days is aesthetic - if you prefer the look of a mech then go for it. Otherwise why limit yourself to the continually diminishing returns of a declining cell? This comes from someone who only ever used mechs and had shelves of the miserable things.

Not any longer.

Now, builds. It totally depends on the atty, the wire, the juice and the coil. In other words, there isn’t a recommended build for use with a mech because there are too many variables. Plus, in my humble opinion, 99% of YouTube reviewers are absolute cockends and give really shit advice.

A bit like this post.

But, what you have to remind yourself, is that this post is being written by someone who is lying in bed naked and has the dopey expression of a person who’s just had great sex. Well, thought about great sex. This counts for a lot - and you’ll not see that on your bloody YouTubes.

Pronhub, maybe?

My favourite build for the Prime involved a hammer, a bin and copious amounts of alcohol. I don’t like the Prime. I liked the KFL though, that used to get a 70%VG juice and a 1ohm coil on a fresh 18650.

I do like the Rose V3, it’s what I vape my custards with. It’s got a 1.23ohm coil in, but I had to check just now because it doesn’t matter because it’s on a VW mod. I just dial in the wattage to suit and away I go until it’s time to swap the batteries. A consistent vape, every vape.

And that is why all cats are bastards.

Sorry, wrong thread.

And that is why all mechs are bollocks.
go mech or go home
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