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Business as normal at Stealthvape


Premium Vendor
Aug 1, 2012
After a roller coaster of a week we're right back on track with the last of any outstanding orders cleared as of yesterday. Emma and Bill are doing great and it was nice to have the extra time to bond with the little champ.

Emma and myself really appreciate how understanding and lovely all of our customers have been about the delays. Really, thank you ever so much, this week would have been so stressful if you guys weren't so ace :)
Us vapers can be an impatient lot so it's good to hear you haven't been stressed by us, lol! Glad to hear everyone's doing well :)
I had completely forgot about my Mesh order from last wekend until I read the thread lol, no stress out here :)

I am still waiting on my order of......eh......1 of everything. Hope you haven't forgot with your babyhead on?

:lies: :lies:
Hey Rob, glad you're back in business! I need to catch up with at some point soon about an order :D
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