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Buying pre-mixed VG/PG

One more quick question, what kidn of flavour percentage do you aim for? I set mine at 8% is that a bit low?
One more quick question, what kidn of flavour percentage do you aim for? I set mine at 8% is that a bit low?
There are too many variables to be precise not least personal taste and the fact some flavours are stronger than others.
I would say most people are mixing between 10% and 20% though my preference is 5% or 6% but I may be unusual in finding most bought juice has too much flavour.

A little experimenting and you will soon find your own preference.
I've purchased 10 x 10ml bottles and 6 flavours, so I'll make some at different strengths and see what I think works best for me!
Would you say there is any order you should add stuff in to the mix or not really?
Needs to be in alphabetical order ...

No, the order doesn't really matter at all. Personally, I tend to add nic, PG and flavourings first then the VG as for my mixes that is the largest component.
Also, you might find it's helpful to work down the list if you're starting out, tick stuff off so you don't miss anything.

Flavour % - the place you're buying from should give you some guide on how much to use. If they're the kind of place that doesn't do that at least, I wouldn't personally be interested in buying from them.
Thanks for the advice bud. I bought the flavours from Flavour Art. Does anyone have any experience with them? I just got the super six offer...
I mostly use FA, they are very strong so typically try them at about 2-3%, or less if using multiple flavours as part of a recipe, unless it's their Blackberry which in my opinion should never be used above 0% as it's just awful.
Haha, I didn't get blackberry so I should be good! I had a load of parcels today, everything but the VG/PG which is one package.

I have however discovered something I am slightly concerned about...
I ordered 250ml of 7.2% PG based Nicotine from DarkStar and there appears to be 2 small hairs floating about inside. Should I be concerned? This can't be normal? :11:
Depends what sort of hairs I guess, if it's just small fibres it wouldn't bother me too much.
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