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Calpol flavour


Aug 6, 2014
Does anyone know how to make calpol got a mate who wants to try it haha
LOL that's an interesting one to try and reproduce. Can't say I remember exactly what it taste's like. Mmm let me go look in the medicine cabinet I'm sure the wee man still has some.
Funny you ask, I was only talking to my sister yesterday about trying to create old fashioned indian brandee,
Oh god i remember the nightmares i had as a kid when i was virtually force fed that stuff! :p Runnn awayyyyyy ;)
Never tasted Calpol. In my day it was dispersible aspirin until you stopped being a wuss about tablets.
I do remember the vilest pink antibiotic, though. It tried to market itself as strawberry I think - but it was bad enough to hide an infection from fear of being dragged to the doc for a bottle of that.
Wouldn't want to vape that!
Never tasted Calpol. In my day it was dispersible aspirin until you stopped being a wuss about tablets.
I do remember the vilest pink antibiotic, though. It tried to market itself as strawberry I think - but it was bad enough to hide an infection from fear of being dragged to the doc for a bottle of that.
Wouldn't want to vape that!

Made me smile there Mate, I remember that as well , as soon as it was produced I instantly got better . And went to school , they should have called it Lourdes lol
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