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Can I use different liquids with the same coil

Yes you can.as long as you dont have a really strong flavour profile to start with.I swap on my crown with a few different juices and they are fine after half a tank.however if I was using lemon or red astaire or something, it doesnt work very well at all.
Yes I often do it. It doesn't take long for the new flavour to come through. I usually rinse the tank out and dry it but leave the coil.
As above, plus if you do vape a very strong flavour, put the coil away in a little bag to use with that flavour another time and clean out your tank as best you can before using the new coil and juice.
Same as the others. As long as it's a similar flavour or the original flavour isn't as strong as what you intend to put in next I just rinse the tank and use the same coil head, after 2 or 3 hits new flavour comes through. Sometimes though the liquid already in the cotton of the head can mix back with the new flavour you put in and knocks it off slightly. It can take a couple of tanks to right itself if that happens. Whilst I'm stripping and rinsing tank I always wrap the coil head in kitchen roll and blow through the top as hard as possible 2 or 3 times to purge the original juice from the cotton. That then reduces any cross over.

As @mannikon said, if it's a totally different flavour, either baggy or cling film your coil head and bung it in the fridge to use again when you return to the original flavour.

Or, put the coil into a sonic bath or a brief soak in very hot water (with or without a splash of vodka). Same again, wrap up so it's airtight in kitchen roll or a cloth except for the top and blow through it as hard as you possibly can 5 or 6 times to totally dry the cotton out or it'll taste like ass later on lol ;). Leave to air dry and it can be used again with most flavours :). Saves a small fortune in coil heads and they're not particularly cheap for some tanks these days.

Obviously there are exceptions lol. If you've used it with flavours like aniseed, liquorice, black jacks or some menthols you probably won't want to try a quick liquid switch. Those flavours stay in the cotton pretty much no matter what you do lol. Definitely wrap those in clingfilm or a baggy and fridge them lol ;).
I usually just power on through with tanks of of different juice until the coil starts tasting funky.
But I am lazy :D
Just put new liquid in. I have found some interesting flavours mixing different juices. If it's minging hey ho themselves the breaks. [emoji13]
I have done it, but I have also regretted it, so will only do that with similar flavour profiles now.
I use the same coil and wick in a dripper all day, changing flavour after almost each top up. I cycle through 4 flavours or so and it's fine. Some strong flavours, like menthol will stay for quite sometime though before you get a clean blast from the new flavour.
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