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Can someone contact Gonloopy with some info?

Yes @man_d that's the one! It's only when you go to put it in your cart that it tells you they're OOS

Made that mistake a few times
:( :( :(
man_d Thanks for looking! I think e-smokeireland were the main people selling them before they went out of stock... Gutted.
Gonloopy - found at least two uk suppliers so far. £8.50 and £9.99. I won't say where from in case there are spies around! UKV is full of em. :grin2:
Yes @man_d that's the one! It's only when you go to put it in your cart that it tells you they're OOS

Made that mistake a few times :(

I think there should be some kind of law against websites that do that! :banghead:
I'm being lazy here... How do you like a post and not give a thanks? Not that any of my thanks aren't thanks btw!
thanks @PlumeBlu, man_d, just posted that link up before,- but it doesn't tell you it's OOS, until you go to put it in your basket..

PS loving the new juice :D
Did you got for HeadShot or BlackPowder? I am logged into windows to install a game and cant remember off the top of my head
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