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Can someone contact Gonloopy with some info?

I'll get my 25 posts sometime soon! I may just order the 2 A7s @ £8.50 each. Even if we don't go ahead then I'm sure (?) they will be of use somehow...

I only have the option to thank at the moment. Maybe it's something you need to earn?
What what WHAT? Did you just buy an A7? If so then you've forced me to do the same... It's all your fault that my vape budget for the year is blown already.

i can't seem to post in any of the review threads. I was going to do a review of the Ba Gua and JM16 that I got today but I'm blocked for some reason. POTV knows who are members on other forums and blocks them automatically eh? Wait until they hear about this over on the other side on the internet!

Let me know if you have bought an A7 and I'll place my order in a mo.
LOL! Sorry! Yes just ordered :D
still need the oid bit tho.

Re: reviews lots of members duel fuel here, don't think its that, think the forum just opens up in stages, that's all.

ps we must have similar tastes, I've got a ba gua too...
Ok, phase one complete! We both have A7s on the way. Now to turn them into oids, the hard part...

What atomiser are you using on your Ba Gua? I had a Taifun GS (clone) delivered today and it was a pain in the butt to set up. Trying to get two bits of silica into two tiny holes almost made me chuck it out of the window! Now that it's working it's pretty good but nowhere near as good a vape as using a 306 in a Grail.

Using such small mods is really weird as I'm used to my Roller and Dingo. I've also got a Panzer which I've just put up for trade on UKV. It's the total opposite to the Ba Gua!!

What are the classifieds on POTV like? Picked up any decent bargains?
Yay! I can like posts now. The benefits of making 15 posts eh. What am I going to be able to do next? How exciting!
Ooh sounds like you have some nice kit there!

My 2 main combos are penelope / ba gua and a piccolo /spheroid. I've also got a clone Nem and just an igo l for dripping. (Plus a shitload of aspire/anyvape bdc's for when I'm lazy)
I decided that as I'm such a scatty mare, undoubtedly I will lose my good stuff at some point, so I would be better off having a cheaper set up for on a night out. -Hence the hunt for the a7oid,- no doubt this will lead to a search for a cheap 14500 mod to pair it with.

and then I swear that's going to be it. I swear it . I do :D

Classies here are good, right time right place n all that ,-but u do get some good stuff popping up from time to time.

and yes I know what you mean about the small space, took me a while to get used to them too, -but getting there now I think...
Black powder and loving it .
youve got a Gudrun un there . I'll be back :D :D :D

Glad to hear it, making a juice you consume yourself is one thing but hoping others that buy it feel the same is pretty nerve wracking :) What have you used it in so far device wise and what flavours were prominent for you?
Glad to hear it, making a juice you consume yourself is one thing but hoping others that buy it feel the same is pretty nerve wracking :) What have you used it in so far device wise and what flavours were prominent for you?

I'm sure it must be!! I'm nervous when other people taste my food, and they aren't paying. Mind you think I should be paying them for having the nerve to try some of my offerings. ( for the older members of the forum think Butterflies)

what at was the question? - oh yes

Blackpowder, I've only tried it in my penelope atty so far. It's set on 1.5 no res/res coil on 2mm silica wick. I get a berry/fruit flavour with an undertone of liquorice, and it's luvverly
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