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Can you have too much of a good thing?


Apr 11, 2013
Hiya guys, newbie alert!! :newhere:. My wife and i have both been vaping for about the same time, (about 6 weeks), and both really prefer it to smoking. Now, after reading a lot of the threads on the forum i've noticed that quite a few of you vape between 5 and 10ml of juice a day, which makes the amount that me and my wife use, which is around 2ml a day seem quite insignificant. But whereas when we were smoking we'd have a cigarette and then put it out and then not have another cigarette for about an hour or so, with the vaping its as if we're pretty much breathing the stuff at the moment LOL! We just can't seem to put our e-cigs down. Now i know that our e-cigs are a lot healthier than stinkies, but my question is, can you go over the top with the e-cigs at all? Can it become unhealthy if done too much? At the moment we're vaping 18mg juice. It's just that i'm new to vaping and don't really know all that much about it at the moment, so i hope you guys don't mind the long-winded question. Thanks in advance.
Me and the mrs are like you, newbies vaping about 2-3ml per day. And seeming like we're constantly vaping throughout the day.
Also relatively new to vaping I was 50 roll ups a day I now vape . I use 24mg and use approx 6ml a day with no adverse effects in fact I feel a hell of a lot better than i used to,hope this helps
I'm the same I have to force myself to put my vamo down and just pretend it's not there haha like that works though..... :)
You'll know if you've had too much! I use 6mg juice but got sent some really nice juice to try which was 18mg. It was too nice and I couldn't stop puffing away till my head started to thump, the room was spinning and I though I was going to see my dinner for a second time! Just listen too your body, it will soon tell you when enough is enough, lol!
As Purple says, When I first started vaping I was vaping away on an 18mg juice and I couldn't stop, but then I felt dizzy realised I must have over done the nic in one go and lowered my e liquid nic to 0-6mg.

As time goes by you start to learn what your body needs and can handle, you will adapt.

As for "how much or little" I believe that is down to each individual, before I started vaping I desperately wanted to give up the anologues for health reasons and when I came across the world of vaping I decided to take the healthier option as I found it very difficult to give up on the anologues.

At first I was constantly vaping, but after getting told off by my non smoking/vaping kids, I had no option but to cut down in front of them and now I have adapted to that. :)

Hope this helps

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gps19, yep i was a roll up smoker myself Gordon. Haven't touched one or even felt like one since i started vaping on 24th march. Like you i feel much better since packin in the rollies, i just didn't want to overdo the vaping if that's possible. Can't believe how much better vaping is than smoking, its like upgrading from a sinclair spectrum to a quad-core pentium do-everything-and-make-the-tea pc ;)
Thanks Juicylicious, it's good to know that there's so many people that have already been through what my wife and i are going through right now. gps19, i've just realised how old i've made myself look by giving a mention to the sinclair spectrum LOL, good job i didn't say the zx81 lmao! :):)
Goerge and Gps19, I honestly congratulate you both on your success. It honestly put a smile on my face reading your story as it so sounds similar to my husbands. He was a rollie man, smoked a 50g pack golden virginia a day ( he never told me the bugger, until he started vaping and told me how much he was saving on the tobacco which he stopped buying )
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